Sunday 24 October 2021

It once happened in Russia, it can happen in Zimbabwe.

 "It once happened in Russia it can happen in Zimbabwe", it is November 2017 the bloodless coup happened and the citizenry was hoodwinked by Geppetto. To think that they are the ones that guided the removal of Robert Gabriel Mugabe when in actuality it was never the people. It was "them" the ones that lurk in the shadows, the ones that pull the strings from behind, the ones that go by the name Geppetto. Drawing a similarity from the collapse of the Soviet Union where the veil of communism was pushed back only to the borders between Georgia and Kyiv and some parts of Minsk. A similar veil gradually came into being from 4 July 1964 to 18 November 2017 in this observation the country of Zimbabwe's "ambition" to be a revered state that can withstand the elements of the world. As one can be brought into attention the world is structured in accordance with the Western Capitalistic philosophy of exploiting the masses for the benefit of the few. In which the birth pangs of Pan-African freedom came into being the day Ghana attained her independence under the watchful eye of Kwame Nkrumah, "Our independence is meaningless unless it is linked up with the total liberation of Africa". 

In one's view, Zimbabwe is a victim of internal and external factors that have resulted in the expropriation, exploitation, and disenfranchisement of the masses at the expense of the survival of the elite. The use of "elite" in this essay explicitly points out the people that have made their wealth through making Faustian deals with the so-called enemy. At the expense of the people and being in bed with the all-weather friend, understanding the magnitude of the reality may we pay attention to the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. The dystopian literary work best sums a perfect immortal portrait that narrates the Russian Revolution that saw the rise of Josef Stalin a similar situation is afoot in Zimbabwe. The freedom fighters of 1964 down to 1979 had a Marxist agenda. Topple the elite white minority, establish the black majority then develop an ultra black state that brought about the philosophies of Pan-Africanism and the empowerment of the before disenfranchised population "building the windmill" the people were conscripted to be like Boxer the Horse "I will harder! Napoleon is always right!". A similar blueprint was propagated by the political elite prioritized by the Buffalo soldiers cum Politicians Understanding that in order for their families to stay in control prioritize in creating a working force that will succeed the old working force, therefore, creating a repetitive system that best benefits the few that have access to the farmhouse of farmer Jones. Therefore the mindless minions that were used to push the agenda of the accelerated land reform program were structured to undertake the vision, mission, and aspiration of the political elite. All hail Squealer! That cheered on Boxer, Benjamin, and others to carry on building the windmill. Ignore the rumours of Snowball that are hellbound to veer everyone from the focus of building the windmill. The similar scenes played well in Zimbabwe, basically, Zimbabwe is a typical mishmash of the two novels by Orwell's Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. The thought police are always hounding the free thinkers all for the best benefit of the system. Thus systematically creating an epistemological erosion in Zimbabwe, firstly the brain-drain from the country, then education system that was once revered it has become a shadow of its former glory, echo Dambudzo Marechera's magnum opus, a house of hunger. 

"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which".

As Zimbabwe slowly the African version of the tectonic downfall of the Soviet Empire, many state-owned companies were sold off at a cheap price in Russian at the time Vladimir Putin came into power. Therefore giving the rise of Oligarchs sprouting like mushrooms, it will not be an astonishing reality if that is to happen in Zimbabwe, maybe it has already happened. 

The above school of thought appreciates the crippling effects of the economy of Zimbabwe through again internal and external factors. Internal factors are party politics at the expense of the people resulting in the country dying from within. Pathetic Gono-nomics to the accelerated land reform program that witnessed the Zimbabwean dollar taking a free fall, the 2008 global recession, to the unfulfillment of the Lancaster House agreements by the British government. This then builds one to theorise the following theory the hypothesis permeates along with the following school of thought. 

When Margaret Thatcher oversaw the Lancaster House negotiations she agreed to it that the willing seller, willing buyer principle be used as a democratic means to solve the land dispute. Ronal Regan pledged to see to it that it supports the British government. The British government assisted in the first instance to see to it that the payment is done in Zimbabwe through depositing the money into the Zimbabwean government's account and the Zimbabwean government through its ministry of lands and resettlement would then purchase the land on behalf of the people acquire title deeds and then redistribute the land equally between its people. The farmer's rights are protected as well as the land rights are protected. Due to the farmer is happy he or she is willing to help the community with what they know about farming and farming economics. However, the American government of Regan only paid a fraction of its agreement, subsequently, the British government failed to commit to its agreed deal with the Mugabe government. In understanding that it would be an embarrassment to the "British Empire" to commit to reparations to a bunch of negroes. It will then be an embarrassment to the crown, that they have been forced to pay back to an African state. This in turn would create an avalanche where not only Zimbabwe, but states such as Kenya, Malawi, Ghana, Egypt, Tanzania, South Africa, among others will demand a similar style of reparations system. What this then does creates a gap within the British Ministeries finances books. This then forces the Ministry of finance of Britain to increase its taxes, therefore forcing the middle class to fork out more meaning the cost of living in Britain becomes expensive, therefore creating tensions. Inspiring movements in Britain to rise up against the monarchy inspired states such Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotlands people to decide to become a republic. In Britain repaying Zimbabwe, it meant that Portugal, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Italy, the USA would meet the same fate of reparations. Therefore giving communism a leg up in the ideological warfare scene. Subsequently resulting in the downfall of all markets. This means a reset within the global financial system governed by new laws, new principles, and new philosophies. The hypothesis, historically; the National Party of South Africa after it noted that states such as Tanzania, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, Angola. They were buffers for the military wings the ANC, PAC among others. The National Party in realizing that it is cornered it resorted to secretly sabotaging these newly independent states especially the main nerves of these frontline states, the best way of defense is attacking. The key points that the National Party would target were oil refinery plants, railways, ports, and even radio stations. The National Party is known to have invaded Angola having to be in collaboration with Jonas Malheiro Savimbi who led UNITA during the Angolan civil war. Using the Savimbi case study, it can be juxtaposed as a possible cause of the Gukurahundi genocide of 1982-1987. One of the many reasons that led to the genocide it is said that ZAPU had purchased key farms that surrounded Harare in all directions according to the compass. Some of the farms were found in communal lands such as Goromonzi this then led to a tip-off where the military caches were discovered. What has to be proven is the following, did the guerillas that were aligned with ZAPU have any contact with the National Party of South Africa. In Britain understanding that the people that had assumed power still suffering from war PTSD, where they interpret any suspicious movements that remind them of farmer Jones. They are quick to pull the trigger as they themselves know and understand that the same sword that they removed farmer Jones, will be the same sword that shall come after their necks. The principle of divide and conquer would be the same approach that would be beneficial to the British empire and the rest of its western allies. In understanding that the Mugabe government at that time and to this day and age across both parties is a Shona dominated party and the Ndebele ethnic group are nowhere to be found, ideas for the calls for equal representation within the newly formed government would be an ongoing debate subsequently resulting in the ZAPU fighters not willing to give arms based on the above reasoning. Therefore Mugabe and his lieutenants in being in control of the 5th brigade resorted to deploying the 5th brigade, thus names such as Perence Shiri, Rex Nhongo. That led to the attack upon the Ndebele minority that was represented by Nkomo. Since the dissidents had blended with the population and it was difficult to identify the dissidents and the civilians became a blurry picture. Thus in order to get the job done as time was not on their side, the unholy acts happened from the period of 1982-87. Thus the British empire playbook is scripted and then archived from the eyes of the public except the few that conjured this plan. In turn, while the genocide is afoot furthering scarring the fragile nation this allowed the emergence and rising of new politicians such as Tony Blair that became key figures in Mugabe's bid to retain control and mass appeal before the nationalists and the people. A typical Vladimir Putin moves in bringing back the Chechenian state under the palms of the Russian Bear. A similar move was done by Mugabe "the Cock" to humble and quail Nkomo "the Bull". Thus birthing the charade of the day called "Unity day", where through state media the narrative is told in accordance to the victor's version which over time will and is creating a new generation that believes the state media's version of events. Mugabe understood that he needs to conquer and embarrass Britain by bringing back the Lancaster House Agreements. Tony Blair's government in one's point of view were prepared for a rebuttal in which they fulfilled expeditiously without breaking a sweat. A simple "No" infuriated Mugabe, therefore in understanding that  "he" is easily pushed to undertake a bloody campaign in which he did. Thus spurning a "3rd Chimurenga ie Hondo ye minda", which disregards the principles of human rights and property rights. Which saw the propaganda machine working overtime, where movements such PaxAfro, Tambaoga, KidzNet, Street theatre Kapfupi "Freddy Manjalima", Gringo, the banning of Joy TV that was owned by Zimbabwean mogul James Makamba. At that time MDC-99 with key players such as Learnmore "Judah" Jongwe, Tendai Biti, Morgan Tsvangirai, the UZ protests of the 97 to 2000s among others. Arrived onto the scene debating legally on the accelerated movement that led to the white minority farmers and their workers being mutilated, raped, robbed, and murdered. This then created a further unstable state serenading the state into a state of despair, inflation skyrocketing into new territories that it has never witnessed. The international community through Britain condemning Zimbabwe ie Mugabe for the actions he took. Thus we recall the famous quote, "...We are not Europeans, nor do we wish to be Europeans, so Blair keep your England and I will keep my Zimbabwe...". In retaliation to the British pressure, Mugabe resorted to leaving the Commonwealth introducing the look east policy, Let us welcome the Dragon and the Bear into the picture. 

This then created Pandora's box of madness and an aggressive smear campaign to Zimbabwe by media institutions of the west. Again Zimbabwe fell victim to an assumed British plan. In the lectures of Yuri Bezmenov under the tactics of subversion, inspire a monster in their minds and watch them kill each other. They would then give the state a period of at least twenty years until the fatigue kicks in and thus reaching into the year 2017 November 18. So what then happens is that already beneficiaries of the colonialism western states, come into the fray as saviors and messiah's "a proxy war Capitalism has an edge over Communism or Pan-Africanism". 

Internal cancer has to be cured through aggressive chemotherapy and surgery "the bloodless coup" where the tumor "Mugabe" is removed surgically. Zimbabwe under Mugabe around 2008 racing down to 2017, was now experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. The only way to save the mother "Zimbabwe" is to remove or expel the baby from the fallopian tubes. In which the surgery was successful therefore bring in the so-called "2nd Republic". Which is proving to be difficult to prove that it is different from the old regime and the new regime. 

In any territory or brand or startup, branding is everything the wise words of the wise King Solomon, from his famous book of proverbs he says, "...for a good name is better than riches...". Surfing on the King Solomon wave for two decades and counting Zimbabwe has been receiving a barrage of bad press. A moment of hope was afoot when the "...the voice of the people is the voice of god..." propaganda wheel new dawn was upon the landlocked state. Unfortunately, it was a short-lived one "honeymoon is over bitch!" come August 01 2018 eight months later the January to February 2019 violence occurs "the protests were based on the sole fact that the President had announced on state television that fuel will increase by ten percent, this, in turn, meant the costs of living rose within forcing the people to get into the streets in protesting against the decision, there were no subsidies in place that would assist the people to make ends meet, basically it was a slap on the wrist or cheap shot on the people 'let's see whatchu gonna do bitch!' bye Felicia". This then results in the President cutting his tour of Eastern Europe short and returning to Zimbabwe to firstly secure the "Iron throne" and then quail all forms of unrest from the people. During the two months of forced closure of the state "Zimbabwe" and cutting off the internet where people used VPNs to have to access to the world. Again Zimbabwe falls into the same trap that it was exposed right off the bat, you shall be angry, you shall make stupid decisions in the name of power, you shall be an example of a failed state, your electorate shall come back crawling to them, again you shall rig the elections, you shall become a Russia version two. Subsequently, the bad branding of the state will devalue the country and its people and its massive wealth, state-run enterprises shall be placed on for sale to save the country from total collapse. Faustian deals will be made with Lion, the Bear, the Dragon, the Bald Eagle, the Cock, other organisations will be bought by the already mega-wealthy that have survived and amassed wealth through laundering tactics and offshore accounts. This then means in order for the state "Zimbabwe" to survive it needs to sell many of its public assets to private persons and co-operations. Taking a glance at the "Faustian mega-deals" that Zimbabwe has made with the Dragon "Building of the Parliament, though which was long overdue". Understanding the Dragons economy is contracting it will be forced to sources outside funding to cushion its day-to-day expenses. Therefore it is in its right to exercise to activate its clauses to take over the key projects that it is building in Zimbabwe or Zambia or Malawi or Kenya, meaning those "public" projects become private projects. Therefore the projects are privately owned they have in their right to toggle with the prices of basic services such as electricity, transportation "tollgate fares" just to survive. Bangladesh is one case study meaning Africa is not spared from the looming gray cloud, again the oligarchs that have wormed their way to the top will stay there and will do whatever it takes to live forever until the son of men decides to return. It is imperative to understand that the politics or legal decisions that occur on the continent "Cape to Cairo, Mombasa to Luanda" does matter. In order for the African Continental Free Trade Agreement to survive it requires every African to join hands and hold the politicians to account. The AFCTA is the only deal that is favour to the African, it is better to be in debt with a fellow African than the latter. The ghost of Leopold II is roaming high and low ready to haunt the African, the spectre is thirsty for negro blood. 

In understanding the gross impacts of Covid-19 the Zimbabwean economy has not grown since 2019. The landlocked country is surviving by the tendons, the landlocked country is swinging by the strands of geriatrics hair roots. The only to survive a total collapse of the state would be putting all of its public entities for sale, however, due to the lawlessness of the state where the basic rules of law are alien. Zimbabwe is not an ideal destination for any future investors until they witness sincere change. Therefore the 2023 elections are one to watch with an eager eye however the whole continent know that the propaganda machine is working overtime. The attempts are there to create a one-party state where the opposition is a ruling party version two as it can be noted with the Douglas Mwonzora MDC party is a typical decoration of an opposition party. 

It once happened in Russia, it can happen in Zimbabwe and Africa is not spared. 

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