Sunday 5 July 2020

Liar, liar, pants on fire

A typical nursery rhyme that is harmless because it is associated with children when they catch one of their friends lying and they use the rhyme, "liar, liar, pants on fire" repeatedly a means to chastise their friend not to do it again. It is an embarrassment to the child; to be exposed to face the teasing annoying rhyme, however, the connecting factor, in this case, would be the sole fact that the peer lied and he or she has to face the wrath of embarrassment in order to gain and earn their friend's trust and appreciation again. In this case one gets to extrapolate that phrase and transplant it in today's discourse with an observation of the case in the discussion that is the dilapidating state of affairs within the nation of Zimbabwe. It is worth noting and comprehending that once one takes an oath of serving the public one has taken up the crown of thorns of righteousness and transparency though it has been difficult in human existence for the human being in ones view is a complex subject muddled with contradictions and complications.
 The cross of leading the way and not to be shady far fetched or to portray as if one is an obscured-shady character to the public. With that in mind, the discussion gravitates to the irrevocable social contract that one has bonded themselves to. When a public official comes out to the public with inflated lies the sincerity of that person's actions comes under scrutiny and adverse spite and disgust from the people who are desperate to lead and live a normal life. This blog is going to breakdown, churn and chew to the bone the state of affairs of the government of President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa. An exploration of the infamous Draxgate, the US60million donation, the 4.499 donation from the Namibian Government as purported by Mrs Monica Mutsvangwa among other areas of concern that one expands and explores that best suits the title of the blog, "liar, liar, pants on fire". 

In one's infant existence thus far there are fundamental attributes that one has been exposed to. It is important to note that in any society there are do's and don'ts. With a special observation and articulation to the ideals and norms of leadership. What one is leaning towards to; is one must try as much as they can to foster the culture of accountability and honesty; be it in the distribution of resources such as food, inputs for agricultural activities, grants for businesses to stay afloat among other key steps that have to be taken into consideration in terms of leadership.
 One gets to embrace the sole fundamental area of governance. That is accountability and being truthful. A subject rather an entity that has become difficult to maintain and observe on the continent of Africa and all over the world. Dating back to the colonial times cascading to contemporary times, accountability has been an elusive enigma to many societies and governments.  

Embracing further, the discourse of accountability in particular when persons who have decided to be leaders in any community. It is cut and clear to note that people who are in the public offices they have allowed themselves and consciously allowed themselves to be sacrificed in front of the public. That is to note that everything that they do must be honest, transparent and accountable. It is worth to understand that, "we are all human beings, we stumble, we fall, and we are prone to make mistakes" this is an irrevocable reality hence one pays a glance to the flaws of being a human being, errors are a part of any community and cannot be washed away it is a reality that has to be lived with. What matters in any society is understanding and being able to correct where one has errored and been able to muster the courage to seek atonement for the errors with sincerity and honesty.

As one explores further when a public official stumbles and does not retract back to their errors this becomes an issue. In a country that is rocked and hounded by soaring inflation, a pandemic that is wreaking havoc in the country, untamed corruption that has left an obvious paper trail of economical decay and destruction, the country is virtually in the Intensive Care Unit of the league of Nations Hospital. The only means to embrace relevance and appreciation by the masses is through being honest and accountable "for the truth shall set you free".In as much as one is pursuing transparency though it is a mirage in the desert what matters the most is the efforts that count virtually one is inclining towards the idea of transformation. This means that it is a constant evolution, a consistent evolution where the destination in ones view is never insight. Thus what one is submitting into this paragraph is that accountability is like a religion it has to be practised every day until one achieves their desired goal which to note that it is far from being achieved as long as one is within the realm of mortal men. 

Breaking down the recent events that have rocked the media circles one comes across a plethora of case studies. The case studies are quite interesting to discuss in this blog, however, before one discusses the current array of topics which are going to be unpacked in the later paragraphs one has to track back into the past in order to determine the steps that have been transverse thus far. 

With the so-called birth of "the second republic" that is to say when the now government bayed and took advantage of the masses anxieties, desperation and panic to seal their control of Zimbabwe. Thus far they have not done rather achieved any resounding difference from their predecessor "Robert Gabriel Mugabe" whom they removed from power through force "coupe de tat" and also peoples emotions. There is nothing that aches a nation when the assumed leaders take advantage of the people's emotions only to pursue their selfish desires to affirm and assert their control over a country at the expense of the masses. This then means that such agendas that were championed during the times of liberation have been cast away, this then pushes one to question the whole "war of liberation of war movement" who manipulated the wave of decolonisation that had sparked a wave of self-determination across Africa for their own selfish gains, not for the people but their own goals. The paper trail leads to the current affairs of Zimbabwe, a country in special focus in this blog.

In the so-called "the second republic" observing the masses one note that they had that vision, hope, and aspiration that they would realise the "republic" is going to stand on what people have been yearning to witness and experience in their lifetime. This in all sincerity is not what is being experienced in Zimbabwe as the governance is on record appalling; some have taken to lengths to reflect back to olden days of the Mugabe era Zimbabwe was at least bearable. These might be years of transition, however, years of transition need to show signs of progress and improvements and upgrades that lay the foundation for a meaningful "second-republic". One can juxtapose to the current state of affairs of Zimbabwe is a botched cosmetic plastic surgery where the bodily upgrades are now showing signs of malpractice that was done on the country. 

The first port of call in this never-ending rabbit hole is the list of persons who were accused of externalising foreign currency to offshore accounts 
The President announced that the companies were given exactly 90-days to return the funds that they had externalised illegally. The main point of concern is that there was a public appraisal from the president's office to people. The list was made available for all to witness, however, when the funds were returned the companies identities were kept a secret indeed the "looters" returned the funds that they externalised. The question then arises what about the ones who did not return the funds that they externalised? In a quote directly from the president, "upon the expiry of the three-month window, the government will proceed to effect the arrest of all those who would not have complied with this directive and will ensure that they are prosecuted in terms of the country's laws". In interpreting the quote above from the statement it is a promise to the pubic stamping that all those accused of externalising funds will face the law. To this day the companies who externalised funds have not yet witnessed the doors of the courts. This raises concern to the citizenry as to why the statesman did not conduct a follow up on the promise he had made to the public. This, in turn, can be interpreted to a lie, a facade that he portrayed to the people. One might try to understand that there are a lot of things that have to be addressed by the statesman's desk there are a lot of issues, there are communications that take place behind the scenes and investigations furthermore discussions and consultations. Hence it can be understood to some an extent that is what is happening within the statesman's office, however, the dictating template which is time gently nudges the intentions displayed to be a lie, therefore, placing his approval rating in the red zone. The citizen's debate would be that the president takes time to fulfil what he had the initial promise that he made in 2018 and now it is 2020 nothing has been fulfilled as promised by the statesman himself. 

The birth of the so-called "second republic" came with the shedding of blood which then sparks fears and triggers an unwanted reaction from the public. The boogeyman of the Mugabe era has returned this is evident on August 1, 2018, violence where civilians were shot and some died. Therefore, opened the Khgalima Motlanthe affectionately known as the Motlanthe Commission. Upon investigating the commission it had a lot of irregularities and inconsistencies that compromised the commission's intention. The intentions can be understood in two facets, one the commission's goal was to bring to light what happened on that fateful tragic day; two ushering the portrait of Zimbabwe is respecting and observing "the rule of law principle". This, however, was not the case upon looking at the commission, there were a lot of inconsistencies the inconsistencies that were found in the commission can be evident from the language barrier. This then resulted in the commission to be muddled and inconsistent the parties in concern were not corporating with the commission, some of the victims of the fateful day decided not come to the commission and narrate their side of the story because of fear. Zimbabwe is a country that has been ruled by repression and violence, where freedom of speech is a mere imagination. What happens on the ground is a different situation altogether names that come to mind are Itai Dzamara, Jestina Mukoko among countless victims who have witnessed and experienced state-sponsored abductions. Thus the commission from the get-go was compromised. Hence drawing back to the title of the blog. One is drawn to observe that the intentions of the state were a lie, a fallacy to best submit the assertion the intentions of the state were a plastic surgery. This then exposes another crucial point to note that the state and people relationship is compromised that is a note that people are fearful of the retribution that would come when people express themselves of what they think and how they feel. In essence, the "idea" of freedom of expression is a distant understanding within the bounds of Zimbabwe unless if one is associated with ruling elite then that persons freedom of expression is approved and is given an ear, basically it is an Animal Farm situation in Zimbabwe, "some animals are more equal than others". They lacked sincerity and commitment. A year and counting the perpetrators of that fateful day have not been brought to book, charged for their actions. Everything in Zimbabwe is another day that is going on like any other normal day. It is worth noting the submission handed in by the police was quite far fetched to note the least with all honesty being submitted in this literature. The police submitted in their argument noting that they were overwhelmed by the protesters hence they called in the army. In the layman view how can the Police be overwhelmed by mere protesters who have nothing to lose but their lives, Zimbabwean Police are known to be equipped on how to deal with protesters in a more, one can note "civil manner" there are innumerable reports tagged with how the police have dealt with protesters in the past, present and future. However, one can note if the army was called in to disperse and control civilian protesters they would have brought in equipment that is meant to curb the protesters. On that fateful day that was not the case, the servicemen came to the "party" armed to the teeth and ready to spill blood. In as much as one would submit and state that the protesters were vandalising, admittedly noting that is what happens during a protest, however, the point in concern in this note is that the servicemen who took the oath of "serve and protect". Arrived on to the scene and started firing live bullets at the picketing crowd, this then resulted in the loss of lives of civilians. Thus the critical concern bubbles to the surface of who are they serving and protecting? The people or the political elite and their oligarchs who are pulling the strings behind the shadows. Do they not have a conscience over their actions? Is Zimbabwe a military state or a police state or democratic state, when and how can one note there is need of deploying the servicemen, the civilian protesters carrying weapons also, by weapons one is inclining to guns. On record the civilians were holding placards and marching indeed there are unscrupulous fundamentalists who were carrying rocks, however, there are other tools that could have been used to quail the picketers such as tear gas, rubber bullets "though they are lethal and can lead to death", button sticks, dogs, civil means of dispersing crowds through dialogue? All of these questions come rushing to the mind seeking clarity, where the state blatantly pays a blind eye, by not bringing the parties who have been implicated with the crimes of that fateful day. This then delivers the key point of concern that is to note that the people in power themselves are beneficiaries of the Mugabeistic means of controlling power which is evident on to the day when the protesters were murdered thus one analysing finds out that this regimes intentions were a lie. Thus one witness as substantiated by the deaths of the civilians on that fateful day. Therefore in summing up the commission was just a cosmetic surgery it lacked intention, meaning, and sincerity. To stretch the commission one can note it is no similar to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that was handled in South Africa. Where in obvious case the African was the one who lost at the end and the perpetrators went free and are still to this day.  That is the same situation in Zimbabwe after the Commission that was headed by the former president of South Africa. This raises a grievous concern on how the life of a black person is cheaply treated like a disposable commodity by the people in power who is also black. The lies from the deployment of the security services to the compromised commission thus one seeks to embrace the state of affairs within Zimbabwe were officials spearhead the hearsay before the public is grievous concern. The concern results in the mismanagement of state funds, to unfollowed convictions, to tender to grant to prematurely born companies that are two weeks old, the solar power projects among many crimes that are going unpunished. This then raises a concern of judicial independence in Zimbabwe. Are the courts of Zimbabwe independent, that is to say, is the rule of law in Zimbabwe alive and respected, or it is not as far as one observes it is a debatable question but the results on the ground when one observes they are appalling. 

Continuing with this blog it can best be understood that the concept of freedom comes at a price, in this case, there is something that one has to give up in order to enjoy the fruits of freedom. Thus the next point in discussion in this paragraph explores the rights and responsibilities of people in leadership. Here what is one is navigating towards to, is the point of discussion that is the alleged procurement of the medical supplies from Namibia. As it was announced by Mrs Monica Mutsvangwa as she was informing the committee that the country has acquired four thousand four hundred and ninety-nine (4.499) medical equipment from Namibia. A few weeks later the Namibian government through her Ministry of foreign affairs refuted the claims that were delivered by Mrs M. Mutsvangwa. A diplomatic embarrassment, there are a lot of topics that are going to be discussed in this paragraph with regards to the whole lie. Mrs Mutsvangwa she is on record to say, "The receipt of a total 4.499 rapid result test kits from Namibia on 15 April 2020 and subsequent distribution to provinces". The Namibian government then responded to the claims that were issued out to the public. The Namibian government then said, "The Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation, through the Namibian Embassy in Zimbabwe sought clarity on the matter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Zimbabwe. In a formal response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Zimbabwe informed that the allegations of the alleged donation of 4499 testing kits from Namibia to Zimbabwe were unfounded and erroneous...". The Namibian government further said, "The Ministry would like to reiterate the assurances to the Namibian public that there was no such donation made by the Government of the Republic of Namibia to the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe". 
To note one is drawn first and foremost that the sudden divulsion of facts rather evidence to the people leaves a lot to be desire. The point that is being submitted in this case in the discussion is the diplomatic embarrassment to this government. There is nothing that is embarrassing in front of the whole SADC region, let alone Africa and the world when a respected official is on tape lying. Indeed people lie Bill Clinton lied that, "he (I) did not have any sexual relations with that woman". The Americans and the British lied to the world that Saddam Hussein Al-Tikrit had weapons of mass destruction and he was manufacturing biological weapons. Which was lie, the late dictator had no arsenal of such nature in his country. In clear black and white, they wanted an excuse to invade Iraq in 2003 in which they managed to concoct one. The bottom line in this paragraph is that lying is inevitable, but when one is within the realms of public authority and is serving the public there must be accountability, transparency and honesty. In the "rapid result testing kits saga" that is not the case. 

Digging deeper with the rabbit hole one comes to acknowledge that such lies have outrageous negative implications to the country. The implications are economically when countries such as Tanzania have unlocked "middle-income economical status"; when countries such as South Africa are prime economical destination sites when countries such as Botswana have excellent investment opportunities. Everything starts with honesty within the offices of those who are overseeing the daily lives of the citizenry. Looking at the case study at hand it projects a different story altogether, a story that is riddled with embarrassment and lies. The effects of that public blunder are that when a public official is lying in front of the camera and is on record no investor is willing to work with a government official who lies to the country. A public official who uses the names of another juristic person to cover up their lies then the juristic person whose name they have included in their lies comes out and debunks the lies and tells the truth. This is one's view exposes the nature of the people who are within the government itself. Liars who are not afraid to use another person to hide their lies. Thus this then compromises the whole fray of integrity within the offices of anyone associated with Mrs Mutsvangwa and company. In as much as they are trying to use the mantra that is now irrelevant, "Zimbabwe is open for business" no one is willing to come and work with a liar unless that person is a warmonger or mercenary. Breaking down the effects of Mrs Mustvangwa's lies, one unearths another point of discussion in acknowledging that she is a war veteran. Which is a respectable feat that she did for the country? The area of concern when it comes to the blatant lying she expressed in front of the government this lays a dent on the brand  "war-veterans". What is being driven home in this regard is that the philosophical ideology of war veterans that they were taught to lie in the war of liberation. The epistemological process ingrained of lying by war veterans this then means that the later generation that comes after the war veterans are going to copy the same traits of lying in front of the whole nation. Therefore, when one looks at the whole case from a birds-eye view understands that the whole system is riddled by the plague of lies. Who peddle the agenda of misleading a nation further into the depths of nothingness was unchastened lying carries on until kingdom come. The mere fact that Mrs Mutsvangwa and her office have not come out to the nation and apologised for misleading and misinforming the nation indicates the type of people who are occupying the offices of the public. The mere fact that the Ministry of foreign relations has not apologised to the Namibian government for attempting to tarnish their good name with a lie; indicates how they view of fellow African States, they view them with no respect. Thus one will submit this view of noting that the sacred philosophical idea of Pan-Africanism is a foreign concept to them. The epistemological understanding of the concept of uBuntu or Hunhu is an alien concept to them, therefore, the attempted to hoodwink which was foiled by transparency and integrity did not prevail. Alas with the 4.499 rapid result testing kits case; one starts to question the integrity of everything that has been submitted before the public by the Mrs Mutsvangwa in her capacity as a government official. How many lies were fed to the people and how many truths were dished to the people. Let alone understanding the campaign that was championed by the President of transparency and accountability and she is doing the opposite of what the President is envisioning Zimbabwe to be. Thence one then tries to understand that the bureaucrat is she the "third force, the people who are hell bound to tarnish the image of the president?" that is always mentioned by the government? If that is the case why is she still in authority because she being seated there as an official for the president and the people this then means that the president and his administration is on the jamboree of misleading the people of Zimbabwe who aspire to lead a simple normal life where they are in the full glare of accountable public officials. Therefore in understanding these outrageous actions that are on the record before the nation of Zimbabwe the only means that the public official "Mrs Mutsvangwa" must do is hand over her resignation. The sole reasoning is based on the fact that she misled the country and government thus the integrity that is being endorsed "well the question is, is there any integrity left?". To an extent, her "Mrs Mutsvangwa" lying before the nation to an extent can be equated to "treason" though it would be up for debate within the realm of intellectuals. The reasoning to submit as to the fact that she could be charged on the grounds of treason is that; she is a government official who is under oath and has taken up the mantle to serve the nation of Zimbabwe. Therefore, when Namibians view Zimbabwe or other fifty-three African states view a Zimbabwean. They are quick to associate Zimbabweans as liars and peddlers of fallacy it all stems to the actions of Mrs Mutsvangwa who lied in front of the camera. Therefore this discussion exhausts the sole point of brand integrity a brand must be guarded jealously and must be observed as if it is a religion, that is if one is willing to look at the concept in that form. 

The implications of brand tarnishment are plain and simple. In as much as the government is attempting to attract investors to the country. In as much as the government is attempting to display an honest and transparent image before financial institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, The Paris Club, The European Union, The Chinese Bank, Afroexim Bank, among other financial institutions. Some will be willing to take a gamble in funding projects in Zimbabwe, however, the majority of the institution will not dare themselves to come into any form of communication with officials who do not hold integrity. Therefore the funding that Zimbabwe solely needs will be a mirage of an oasis in the desert. 

In one's observation thus far governance entails key fundamental concepts, however, the concept in discussion in this paragraph is the substantiating template of transparency. Zimbabwe is embroiled in a whirlpool of uncertainty and anxiety this has left countless innumerable citizens in the wilderness of panic. Three years and counting the President has not done anything that proves that everything in Zimbabwe is promising. Investors have marked Zimbabwe as the Bermuda triangle of investment destinations. All the aspects of making Zimbabwe a viable, lucrative destination are becoming slimmer as the years go by. In a few months time, the nation will be gearing for another presidential election and the current president in three years and counting he has not yet delivered on what he had promised the citizenry. This in itself plunges his approval rating that was taken and seen by a grain of salt deep down into the depths of nothingness. The above commentary is buttressed on the Draxgate.
 In the recent turn of events in Zimbabwe, the President again is caught on tape as he announced on national television that Mr President Mnangagwa said, "I am happy that after my personal appeal to Drax they have done tremendous donation to support the mobilisation effort we are making currently" the president further said, "They(Drax International) have donated US$60Million to us to procure medicines and equipment and they have also donated a number of drugs". As the facts of the case study have been uncovered nothing has was delivered to the state of Zimbabwe 
It is ironic how the paper trail is directed towards the president and his association with the company and then eventually led to the realisation that the president lied to the nation. This can be substantiated through the suspending of the Zbc Cameraman Mr Stan Marodza who was placed on suspension without pay for releasing the video where the president was thanking the company.  The suspension of Mr Marodza in one view is clear evidence of how the system seeks and pursues the journey of hiding lies where they thrive from  
There is a saying that says lies have short legs and there is a Fulani proverb that says, "The hole of lying is not deep" and then there is a Shona proverb that says, "Rina manyanga hariputirwi". All the above metaphors to best sum it submits the point that lies are difficult to cover in as much as one is embracing lies to peddle their agenda of transparency the truth will surface eventually. Analysing Mr Marodza's suspension is a reaction of the government is trying to cover its lies from the public. A warning that is directed towards any journalist or videographer who seeks to expose the government or government officials errors to the public shall be suspended. The action itself paves the way to the capturing of media houses in Zimbabwe. Therefore the rule of law this literary means that the respecting of peoples professions in Zimbabwe rather in the current administration that still benefits from the Mugabeistic administration. Hurries and hounds professionals who are doing their jobs, this results in censored administration where it benefits from peddling lies to the public and hoodwink the public for its own personal gains as an administration. Therefore one reflects at the "ideology" that they enforce that they claim were forged the war of liberation struggle. The ideology of accountability and honesty, however, they intentionally lie to the public. Therefore the analysis critiques the whole system itself that it peddles lies in front of the nation, a nation that is searching desperately for answers of maybe there is hope within the leaders. With the case of Mr Marodza in the discussion, it can be understood that the euphoria is far away from being realised. 

Thus again the Presidents office has not released any formal communication with the public this then results in the nature of the president that in as much as he is trying to paint a picture of the second republic. The attempts themselves are being foiled by his efforts. Breaking down the silence from the president one sees that he is comfortable with his situation also he seeks not to be interrogated for being associated with the dodgy company.  This then results in suspicion, disapproval and ridicule from the public towards the president. 

In conclusion, it is evident that if lies are peddled by public officials they have a shelf life that limited eventually the truth shall surface. In as much as they seek to paint an honest picture in front of the public, the hideous paper trail of lies follows them everywhere they go. 

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