Sunday 7 June 2020

The State of affairs of being BLACK in the world the meaning of #BlackLivesMatter

The investigation of #BLM:


For over four centuries the person of colour or the black person lacking a better term the African has been subjugated, exploited and plundered as if she or he is game. The prized possession in any society that sought the advancement of itself while navigating the waves of time, would be the person of colour who is malleable like their hair and can forge to create an inferior version of themselves. The state of affairs of being black from Africa and going to the world; is that black people are the recipient of rage and attack from other races, in particular, the white community and to some extents the Asian community. This blog is dedicated to unpack and discuss the "State of Affairs of being Black and the significance of #BlackLivesMatter". The investigation shall try as much as it can to unpack and try to understand the significance of the hashtag. The hashtag is not just a mere hashtag it is a symbol or a harbinger that indicates the struggles of the person of colour. Hence this essay shall attempt to explore the meaning behind the hashtag and attempt to highlight the meaning of the hashtag from an African view broadcasting and interlocking with the world. This is in reverence with that, from the times when men learned how to navigate the seas using the stars to this day and where men by the click of a button in a few minutes they have food delivered to them right at their doorstep. 

What is the #BLM: 

The #BLM started on 13 July 2013 with three sole founding matriarchs Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi. This was after George Zimmerman was acquitted for the shooting and death of Trayvon Martin. That is when the movement came into life one can note that is when #BLM was born. In paying attention giving the hashtag dignity one would note that the #BLM is seven years old. The #BLM has come at a time when the American community was still coming to terms that a police officer who took an oath to serve and protect comes back in the form of a cold-blooded killer. Who is acquitted of no wrongdoing and does not even face lady justice as enshrined in any form of the justice system? The acquittal not only was an insult to the Martin family this includes the whole African American community in America let alone the whole globe in particular in the international scene that people in power will do whatever they want with peoples lives and they can get away with it. Let alone the race relations between the black race and white person who has been basking in the light of authority from time immemorial they have the power to condemn any black person to the doldrums of nothingness and their generations until the last end will keep on crawling and suffering until forever. Hence the matriarchs in one's observation being whisked by the wind of motherly instincts, in an act of critically questioning the system in America of how can they treat the precious life of a fellow human being as if it is another piece of disposable paper from the dollar store. The acquittal arrived at a shock and it is still a shock to this day. That how can one murder a young boy and then gets away with it, this reflects how people and power can manipulate the system to best fit the narrative those in authority will do whatever it takes to protect their own in as much as they can, then one would dub the murder to be the assassination of Treyvon Martin to be a significant death across the waves of time. The assassination of Treyvon Martin is significant because it reflected how polarised the American community is, in particular, the African-American, who are high priority number one. Police officers in America according to numerous reports are accused of targeting minorities these are the Black people, Latino's among other races, however, prime suspect number one is the Black person. The movement in itself one notes that it raised the gross inequalities within the system itself. A Whiteman profiles a young black son and then kills him in an instant then is acquitted. In comprehending the basis of the police officers acquittal the facts do not add up. Where it does not add up is that the police officer claimed that he was in self-defence, that is the reason why he shot and killed Treyvon Martin However, the Police then refuted the claim of Zimmerman the evidence did not add up. Trickling further with the story before a jury Zimmerman was eventually tried though the jury acquitted Zimmerman of second-degree murder and manslaughter. 
The inequality where justice was botched tampered and in one's view not handed adequately resulted in Zimmerman not facing justice as envisioned in the ethos of noting that when a person commits a crime in this case of murder one must face justice, hence in one's view the jury system to some an extent with the Treyvon Martin case, as a case study displays its weaknesses. Another typical case where the jury system shows its weaknesses, in the view of this blog that is the Amber Guyger case. Botham Jean was murdered in his house by a police officer who mistook Bo's home to be her's after she ignored the red doormat that was by the door. Guyger was handed a ten-year sentence after five years she will be "eligible for parole". With everything has been laid before one comes to figure out what is the hashtag, in interpreting one can note that it is a call rather a cry for a fair justice system. A system that respects the dignity of a fellow human being, the dignity of another race. The hashtag exposed the low underlying racial inequalities in America, whereby if it is a black person who has committed the same crime or another form of a crime the justice system descends hellfire on the accused.

Note: #BLM raised other important issues that affected other minority groups within America since the pedestal of America being the trendsetter globally #BLM had an international audience who are facing the same struggles of being marginalised and ill-treated by a biased system of governance that only serves the rich and influential. The following paragraphs are now investigating further the significance of #BLM outside America and it has been in existence from time immemorial. 

Paying homage to the founding matriarchs of the #BLM upon investigating through the archives of time. One comes to draw a link between the hashtag and the fight for the cause of being black and to be granted the same rights as any other human being. 

#BLM and the world: A focus on the African

The #BlackLivesMatter is not just a movement where people can make it trendy, sound and look all revolutionary in the eyes of the masses. Where people can just post about on various social media platforms at the comfort of their homes. Where people can just post-black pictures on all the platforms that allow them to have that glimpse of that few seconds of fame. The hashtag is, in one's view means more than just a hashtag; it is religious calling, it is a sacrifice, it is a way of life and it is a mission. The reasoning anchors on the sole observation and vehement scathing critiquing of the state of Affairs of the African "in this whiteman's world we, the ones chosen". 
Being an African one is treated with respect if one abides by the wills and instructions handed to them by the Whiteman through two avenues of observation. The first is Christianity and the second is the entity called democracy in the eyes of the whiteman, not democracy in the eyes of the African, democracy in the eyes of the whiteman. The African has been indoctrinated to praise everything that is white is right, everything that reflects the whiteman is correct and everything that is white is superior and must last longer at the expense of their own heritage. A classic example is that within the Bible people who questioned those who are the broadcasters of the light through the use of the "Bible" must be accorded and given respect and must not be questioned; if you question their actions you are ought to receive "divine punishment". Exploring what is being indicated one comes to the point of noting that, Miriam the sister of Moses was struck by leprous after questioning Moses why he had married a Cushite/ Ethiopian woman. Drawing a link from the story of Miriam completing a cross country to juxtapose how imperial countries have been perpetuating the what one would call "The Miriam punishment" on African countries that seek to question the whole status quo that is hellbound in dismantling the pivot of the black independence. Hence in this part, the blog discusses and raises awareness of the #BLM to the African and the world. 

The Miriam punishment: 

The biblical analogy serves as the perfect and conducive trampoline to broadcast what is being meant by the sub-heading. A brief context, "After Miriam and Aaron had questioned Moses' actions as to why he decided to Mary a none-Israelite, the wrath of God descended on Miriam and she had to leave the camp because she had leprous" What is significant in this area is how Miriam was picked up and cursed with leprous, Aaron was spared. In this regard metaphorically Miriam is Africa and her fifty-four daughters and Moses is the Whiteman or European who has economical control over African states that question the system. What is meant by the noun system is the way of life that the African is expected to follow by those who have been exploiting African states from the times of the Slave trade to this time and beyond? 
In substantiating the above part of this paragraph one shall explore the invasion of the Italians in Ethiopia in 1935. Emperor Haile Selassie addressing the League of Nations appealed to the League for assistance and help to wean off the invasive Italians led by Mussolini. The Emperor said, " due to my people and the assistance promised to it eight months ago..."According to Historians no country within the league of nations came to the Aid of the Ethiopians. The Italians were repelled by the Ethiopians themselves after they failed to scale the mountainous geography of Ethiopia hence the Ethiopians took advantage of the weakness within the Italian invasion. Expanding further with this part one stumbles upon the Mau-Mau rebellion in Kenya that spanned from 1952-60. This was a war in Kenya, between the Mau-Mau and the British government that once had authority over the territory. It took fifty-nine-years for the British government to muster the strength to admit and apologise. The Belgian governments hand in the Congo from Leopold to the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Though the Belgian government apologised for the assassination of Lumumba in 2002, to this day they have never apologised for their colonial past. Trickling further, one comes to The Lancaster House Agreements of 1979, "At independence from the United Kingdom in 1980. the Zimbabwean government were strengthened to commence with the necessary reforms as long as land was bought and sold one willing basis, the British government would finance half the cost. In the late 1990s, Prime Minister Tony Blair terminated the agreements when funds available from Magaret Thatchers administration were exhausted, cancelling all commitment to land reform ." Treading further down on the various historical landmarks, one stumbles upon the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Kigali was up in flames, Kigali for a hundred days she was fuming and heaving while the world looked on and did nothing those who had the power at that time spent hours on end debating and vetoing. While the people in Rwanda spiral out of hand and killing each other. The United Nations peacekeepers were under strict instruction not to intervene. The servicemen who were on the ground beheld the violence and the decimation and did nothing because there was an instruction that came from headquarters. 
One can narrate and highlight a long list of historical landmarks that occurred in Africa and those who amassed astronomical wealth through the first slave trade and then colonialism did nothing. In one's view submits the point that the life of a black person is not as important as the other. It is boggling to note that the western territories wealth that they amassed is not their's out of sheer hard work and determination as one would assume. It is wealth, as highlighted above, it is wealth that has been amassed through hooks and crooks. Hence the continent that has been providing them with all the wealth that they desire its dwellers are nothing less than something that can be acquired cheaply. Hence their reluctance to take the decisive and honest step of accountability, of acknowledging that they too have a hand rather have the moral obligation of reciprocating through assistance where needed. 
Cascading further in embracing the meaning of the sub-heading, "Miriam punishment" when analysing the narrative and trying to figure out what Miriam was doing in the wilderness away from the camp. One can submit reasoning that noes Miriam spent her days languishing in sickness and she was not being productive like any other camp dweller depending on her desired past time activity. This, in turn, can be woven and linked together with the state of affairs of African states that sought after self-determination. Any African state that seeks self-determination just like the French did in 1789. The French understood that they want to do away with the exploitative and inhumane aristocrats through their revolution which was successful in one's observation. The observation stems from the point of departure that noes, that the will and voices of the people were heard. Though they "French" went through some moments of upheaval and violence like any other territory that is seeking change, however, what they had started in 1789 was eventually realised to this day. 
Extrapolating the vision of the French and using the same conditions in Africa, one notes that any African states that attempt to chart her own destiny. The engine of destiny is tampered with through political interference from peoples who crawl from the Western hemisphere of the globe; they seek whatever it takes to install a puppet ruler one classic example is Mobutu Sese Seko of the DRC. Controversial he was, his country was stable, the people there lived well and were given universal health and education. The person in mention is Muammar al-Gaddafi, who was toppled through a systematic attack by the states who crawl again from the western hemisphere. Final submission of the example is the apartheid secret service agents who injected HIV and AIDS. In the Alexander Jones documentary that exposes the crimes against humanity. Keith Maxwell one of the apartheid agents had a burning ambition of decimating black populations, cement white rule and bring back conservative religious mores. The sinister deeds that Maxwell and company including countless other criminals are in one's view have the same vision mission and ambition of destroying the African vision of a self-governing state that propagates and enforces the ethos of an independent free African hence one would draw a similarity with the story of Miriam. The "Miriam punishment" can be observed further in this point; when African states took power through diplomacy the likes of South Africa and others and some had to go to the bush in order to assert the sole mission of black independence these are countries like Zimbabwe, Mozambique and others. It is important to note that African states after they took over the realms of governance they inherited the debts that were accrued by the former regime. To this day African governments are still servicing those debts. The debts some of them were not meant to sustain and build the countries. The debts were applied in twofold first the money was used to purchase weapons used to kill the freedom fighters and two the debts were meant to destroy the governments from within through civil unrest because the newly fledged governments will not last long they would be toppled through protests by the citizens of that territory. Hence one comes to the analyses of rating that the Miriam punishment is alive and abiding by the biding of the financial institutions that have an agenda of tactically pushing African countries into the colonial yoke. Hence the submission is that the systematic violence against African states from financial institutions must be done away with first and foremost the scrapping off all debts amassed during the colonial times before the African states were born. The year the African state was born, all the debts amassed before in all fairness must be scrapped off be declared null and void, this then means all the money that has been paid should be refunded to the African states who have been paying for the debts that they had to inherit all because of a racially charged, motivated and infused minority government.  Wrapping up this paragraph one notes that this is the "Miriam punishment" is meant to suppress, subjugate and suffocate the African dream. Through the inhumane instruments hellbound to dismantle Africa and her Daughters and Sons the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter rises to the summit.

The State of affairs of being BLACK: The stigma associated with being BLACK in the world. 

Being Black in this "whitemens world we, the ones chosen"  is an extreme sport, a constant fight to survive, to be treated as a human being and to be accorded the same rights that the person of the next race is accorded. As it stands the state of affairs of being black is in shambles; from Africa, right through Europe and Asia, finally landing in America. The black person whether male or female the treatment is just the same. Being black one is witnessed, assumed, insulting, and granted a moniker that is dehumanising and disrespectful. One such case is that black people are barbaric, disorganized and violent; many stereotypes have been tagged on black people by white people just to prove a point. With that notion in mind one comes to note that the white person is jealous, afraid and feels inadequate by the presence of a black person, as it is evident through the passage of time the main aggressor between the two races is the white person, colonialism, slavery and wars against the black person. The white person has and is at work in trying to erase the black identity through culture, they work so hard to mould a copy of themselves within the black person as it is evident through the educational systems that are tagged as the best, its all westernised education, that is being forced upon the black community all over the world. The state of affairs of being black is pathetic and disgusting to note the least. In Latin America that is to note Brazil, the black person is arrested and killed because of being black. In America, the African-American must be marketable be it athletic, beautiful or can entertain. Coming to Europe it is the same situation to Asia this includes the middle east. The black person must be efficient as a machine to do manual labour be it a domestic worker or a factory worker. Let alone in Africa, the black person should be willing to do work for the system the exports the wealth of Africa outside the bounds of Africa because the life of a black person is cheap. In the words of Joseph Mathunjwa, “The employer wants to hide behind the fact that the protesters were violent and continue to oppress the black nation. The life of a black man is so cheap in South Africa". This was during the Marikana Massacre of 2012 when the miners were protesting about the meagre wages that they were receiving. The significant part of the quote in which one is submitting is that, "...The life of black men is so cheap..." The life of black men is not treated with respect as compared to the other race. In a submission in substantiating the above point according to Aljazeera News Network, "African nationals were being mistreated in China", the embattled US President Donald J Trump in a meeting called African continent "Shithole" 
Combing through the archives on how cheap the life of a black person is "cheap" in the eyes of the other race final article,
There are countless articles that substantiate the plight of the black person, that is treated as cheap, without dignity and malleable to suit the later's desires. A contemporary submission would be that of the Nigerian actor John Boyega in a passionate recording in reacting to the state of affairs of being black in America let alone upon interpreting his reaction. One is drawn to attach his sentiments to that of the state of affairs of being black in the world. The Star Wars actor in his passionate recording he said, "I don't know if I'm going to have a career after this".
Boyega including innumerable performers of the black community is easily disposed of, another prime submission is the American Gods actor Orlando Jones actor who was dismissed after he displayed a stellar Oscar-worthy nomination performance, claims that he was dismissed from the series production because of racism
One cannot pass out in mentioning the former Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle The above-included articles in one standpoint serve as a step to submit the state of affairs of being black in this world where the first point of being accepted is the colour of your skin, if you are black or darker you are easily replaceable. Hence the Mathunjwa quote vibrates the state of affairs of being black in this world. Thus one asserts that the #BlackLivesMatter movement is more than just a clout chasing hashtag is a religious calling and awareness of the state of affairs within the black community across the world. 

Black lives matter: When will the African sacred artefacts return home?

Africa in one's view has been the home of constant marvel from art to science to architectural marvels. Where science, art and engineering all come together to produce the finest relics that are still standing strong to this day. One cannot avoid mentioning Great Zimbabwe, twelve meter high walls of granite all neatly designed with complementing chevrons to harness and buttress the Zezuru people's identity and rich affluent culture. Crossing right across the plateau to Great Kingdoms of Luba and Lunda, cascading to Nubia where she is littered with Pyramids across her face. Heading up north to Egypt the mighty pyramids of Giza and Alexandria. Appreciating the winds that blow the reader to West Africa, in mentioning Timbuktu and her schools of knowledge who has texts of yesteryear and are still intact to this day. The list is endless one can prattle the whole night and day by mentioning the various feats of brilliance that have been left by the yesteryear African ancestors. The examples above serve as a curtain-raiser to another point of discussion in relation to #BlackLiveMatter. A movement that has come at an opportune and conducive time to raise awareness of the prolonged issues that have affected the people of Africa from time immemorial were the matters of the African matter also.  If the Afro-American and Afro-European's issues are given prime attention that same energy; in one's view must be transferred to peoples of colour across the globe. They themselves are experiencing rather have been experiencing the same ill-treatment by the system as far as one would look back and try to connect the dots of atrocities. The Black person has been facing from the aborigines down in Australia who is facing extinction, transversing along the global plains to the African and arriving to the hub of activism the Native American who is facing challenges very similar to her fellow sisters from other parts of the world. 
The identity and sense of being of any community stem from language, the way people communicate it might be through language ie the ability to speak by the use of the tongue or sign language. The premise of it all is the ability to convey a form of communication to the next. Expanding the means of communication that people can use to explore and expand their imagination is through various forms of communication one can site the architectural buildings, the way a particular group dress, for example, the Ndebele people use a vast array of colours to identify themselves. The Maasai from East Africa has a traditional dance where they jump very high. What is being delivered in this paragraph is that the ability to communicate has blessed Africa with a vast array of traditional clothes, face masks, dances that have different meanings. The African over time has been a victim of plunder and carnage from the European. Where Ancient African Art is locked away in European Prisons "Museums". The institutions have been accumulating wealth and profits by displaying sacred art pieces. Furthermore, they are displaying African identity and culture to the world but do not return any percentage to countries of origin. Some selfish white people decide to own Ancient Traditional Masks in their houses. Not only is it an insult to the African continent, but it is a form of imprisonment of the African person. The European child takes pride and constant praise and pride by for example identifying and associating what their forefathers did in the olden days. In this case in submission one is referring to persons such Aristotle, Da Vinci, Gallileo Gallay, Mozart. The Nordic community stands proud and tall because of their Viking heritage and they have ownership and full custody of their ancient relics. Juxtaposing the above-mentioned case study to the African one draws an understanding of that the African does not own any of her ancient art pieces. The importance of these artefacts to the African community in Africa is that they have an impact on the generations that are constantly coming. That impact is identity. Africa is and has been facing an identity crisis as far as the times of Achebe dating to as far as one can imagine; for example, the bronze masks of Benin that are stashed away in some European museums. The Congolese traditional face masks that were looted by Leopold and his band of thieves are stashed away in Belgian museums. Ancient Igbo and Yoruba Gods are on display in foreign lands. The skulls of Mbuya Nehanda the matriarch who forged the war of liberation of the struggle "Chimurenga" for Zimbabwe to this day are on display in British Museums. Where her great-great-grandchildren. Have to witness of her remains in the display each and every day whenever they visit the museum. It is insulting to note that a group of people who champion and try to educate the world about democracy and human rights are reluctant to own up and return the artefacts that they are profiteering from. One gets to note that the plight of the African is under-appreciated nor respected. Hence one submits in noting that #BlackLivesMatter. If people are prepared to own up and be ready to be accountable let them be bold enough to facilitate the repatriation of the works of art that belong solely to African countries. While they are at it they should pay back the money that they have been making for close to a century-plus. Furthermore, the state of the art museums that they have established over time must be erected in the respective lands where they plundered. One can appreciate the efforts of the President of Senegal, President Macky Sall. President Macky Sall in 2018 opened The Museum of Black Civilisations in Dakar on 6 December 2018, the Museum is home to an array as far as the eye can see with interesting articulate and intricate pieces that Africa has produced through her children who are gifted.
The insulting part of it all upon paying attention to the whole #BlacLivesMatter. The British auction house "Christie's" announced a curated "Arts of Africa, Oceania and North America sale in Paris which includes African art such as the newly discovered Akan terracotta head (Ghana) etc are valued from thirty to ninety thousand euros..."
The selling of the Ancient Artefacts is an insult and disrespectful, one can note the toxic, corrosive nature of white monopoly capital that is hellbound to selfish private ownership of another person culture. The perpetuation of greed through an auction house that still practices the slave trade in the twenty-first century. The above notion brings forth the whole point of #BlackLivesMatter. Thence one is driven to ask the question when will the stolen artefacts return home?
Though the President of France Emmanuel Macron has called for a change in French law to allow the restitution of cultural works to Africa. One gets to look at the gesture done by the Fench President with a pinch of salt. The reason is solely based on sincerity. Is the French leader sincere or he is trying to ease the wave that he and his advisory body are noticing or they are trying to appease the remaining African states who they are holding through the CFA pact After Guinea and other seven Francophone states decided to walk away from the colonial pact that was established by Charles De Gaulle. 
Noting the intricate importance to return the artefacts back to the homes of their origin, in the name of #BlackLivesMatter is important, furthermore, poaching hubs such as Christie's must be taken to the International Criminal Court of Justice at the Hague for crimes against humanity. The argument is basing on how can entity find it binding and plausible and feasible to have the authority to auction an artefact that belongs to a sovereign state without the letter of the sovereign state of consent. that the artefact should be auctioned. Analysing the artefact in discussion one can note that the artefact is an extension of the people. Hence in the best interest of the epistemological meaning of #BlackLivesMatter, the very same energy must be expressed towards sovereign states who have their artefacts held hostage by museums. In closing this paragraph. It leaves with the rhetorical question. When will the ancient, sacred African artefacts going to be repatriated back to their lands of origin?
Not only are African artefacts are being commodified through Museums it is worth mentioning that fashion brands are exploiting the African traditional prints for their own profitable gains. Fashion brands take advantage of the fact that is no binding legal instrument attached along with the African prints that they commodity and capture hostage.

#BlackLivesMatter: The exploitation of Africa's natural resources.

In the wind of #BlackLivesMatter one arrives at the point of discussion hat explores and exposes the importance of black lives matter in Africa. One needs to affirm that this blog does not seek to whisk away the plight of the African American, rather it seeks to raise awareness. The awareness reiterates on the point, of mention that the same energy given to the call to the African-American must be emphasised in Africa too and across the world where justice is being practised every day in places such as Oman, Saudi Arabia where African maids are exploited. In China where the African is facing discrimination and blamed to be spreading Coronavirus, to Brazil where the Afro-Brazilian is hunted and thrown to prison finally landing in African where the African cannot benefit from her resources that Africa is blessed to have custodian over.
It is imperative to understand that the African has no authority over our resources, by resources, one is mentioning the natural resources from Coal, Gold, Diamonds, Platinum, Copper etc. 
The extraction of these minerals is solely based upon foreign-based entities who are in that African countries territory legally or illegally. By illegally one is inclining towards the militias that are established by multinationals to control the rich mineral deposits that are located in that particular territory. The territory in mention one is inclining towards at the Democratic Republic of Congo. That region is spoiled and contaminated by militias that work for multinationals that are extracting the precious resources found in that region the likes of Coltan, Diamond and Gold. The people who are suffering are women and children. Women are raped children do not have access to a decent education. Some are conscripted to child soldiers, programmed to become killers at your ages  
One can explore the #BlackLivesMater in another case study of discussion the Marikana Massacre of 2012
What is being driven home is the point in the submission that black lives matter all over the world the same energy that is being exerted in America and Europe with the solidarity from other parts of the world. If possible should be treated across the world. A lot of families are starving due to the selfishness of multinationals that control the resources and the governments that they are contracted with. The above-mentioned examples are not the be-all and end-all. They are serving as an example to put across the struggles of the person who does not have a custodian of their minerals. With the failure to our minerals results in multinationals taking advantage of the "Cheap" disposable labour that the African provides. This then affects the family who then makes up the community and the community make up a nation. Thus the hashtag is more than just a trend. It is a way of life for black people across the continent and the world. Finally, the unchallenged multinationals have a monopoly and influential control of governments. Thus again exposes the rights and lives of black lives.

The State of affairs of being Black has to be improved and respected as any other races affairs. The African has been exploited for more four centuries the article serves to raise awareness and the critical discussion on the importance of #BlackLivesMatter. That the movement though it has elevated the plight of the Afro-American. However, the movement has exposed the obvious horrors the people of colour have been exposed to through cultural appropriation, unrealistic interests from financial institutions, historical colonial debts, political interference coupled with an array of instruments used to attack the person of colour by the white person. Finally, this article does not seek to whisk away the limelight from the brothers and sisters across the Atlantic but, this article serves to raise awareness the same struggle the African is experiencing. The article hoping the same energy is spread across the world in the name of Ubuntu or Hunhu. 

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