Monday 18 May 2020

Sex work and the community

Sex work and the community  

This blog is going to explore a sensitive topic, a topic that gets the morally conscious heads spinning. The blog is solely going to dwell and examine the controversial topic of, "Sex work and the community". Before one gets their expedition gear and start combing through the controversial topic there are a number of disclaimers that have to be brought into the fray so that the reader may not be confused by the whole agenda of the blog. Firstly, this blog is a discursive blog that does not seek to impede nor seek to whisk away nor dilute the whole controversial topic; consciously noting there are influential voices that have started the conversation and this blog does not seek to hog the limelight whatsoever but an addition to the voices that are exploring the whole industry and the community. This blog is an addition to the many voices that are already in the public domain that are discussing sex work and the community. Secondly, this blog is exploring the community and how the persons who are in the trade are making ends meet and how they have the will and deciding authority to how they would like to pursue their own destiny. Thirdly, this piece of literature condemns any form of trade that has resulted in any person who has been coerced or forced to embark into the trade without their conscious consent, whereby the person's human rights have been taken away forcefully. 


Labels and their impacts in the community, and epistemological evolution where the demeaning labels should be done away: 

Sex work is regarded as the oldest profession in the world dates back to the times of Jesus Christ in the bible some known figures and players in the bible traded in sex, for example, Rahab the sex worker. She lived in Jericho, helped the Israelites in capturing the city by hiding two men who had sent to reconnoitre the city prior to their attack. Gomar the wife of Hosea the Prophet, she married to a prophet, had a family. Mary Magdalene was a once sex worker who was part of the followers and aids of Jesus Christ. Diverting from the biblical universe, other notable sex workers in the history of the 20th Century. Names such as Margaretha Geertuida aka Mata Hari a dutch spy, Brooke Magnanti was a blogger and scientist, Charlotte Rose once was a political candidate, Kimberly Daniels was a former sex worker and drug addict who became a prolific author, religious minister and a member of the Florida House of Representatives. The list is endless, with names that have been submitted above it can be noted that one can become a sex worker and do phenomenal works, such as being a scientist, author, a spy for a sovereign nation among other admirable traits.
This then retracts one to note the first point of discussion of this blog. The point that is labels or names or branding does have a role in the evolution of any person or brand, rather how a person is viewed at first hand it depends on how they are viewed. One can submit into the fray the shifting from "prostitute" to escort, to a sex worker. The reasoning is anchored in bringing dignity and appreciation that one might be pursuing a unique trade by the end of the day one has to be accorded the same dignity and respect that is granted to any person who does any other trade. Thereby what is being driven across is that any other trade that is much as important as the next, though what is being delivered is different, however, any other form of trade should be treated equally because the trades are driven and made possible by the existence and presence of a human being. Every human being is equal no matter the trade that they do, this epistemological shift from the branding aspect allows people within the trade of sex be appreciated and given firstly respect and secondly dignity again the emphasis being added that sole fact that there is another human being who is pursuing a living in this world. This means that "if the sex worker has been assaulted by a defaulting payer, he or she can go to the authorities and open a docket against the accused". This in itself means that the sex worker not only is treated with dignity and respect she or he is allowed to have a day in the courts and thus sends a stern warning to those who would want to commit a similar act in the future, however, frankly noting it is difficult to police everyone in the community and try to control how they view another human being. Names carry with them dignity, names carry with them an identity, names carry with all sorts of connotations that either help or destroy a community. Thus what one can note is that such names as "prostitute" in this day and age where other names such as "homosexual" when describing a member who is from the LGBTQI+ community is viewed as a profane name likewise the label or name, "prostitute" must be done away with, the encouragement and fostering and mulching of such labels such as sex worker or escort depending on the person would want to use makes lives of the persons in the trade much easier to fit in any community.  This point cascades to the point in the discussion that is within the African community; where peoples who are in the trade of sex working are given names that are derogative names, such as Hure MaHure, Pfambi, Sefebe, Legosha or Magosha, Bohlola the list is endless. If one pays attention to the expression of the nouns themselves as they roll along with the tongue in itself one can feel the derogatory sentiments that are come with the trade as it is viewed and labelled as an outrageous condescending trade that is worthy to be viewed and treated with no respect. Therefore, this calls for suggestion in the name of human dignity that the shift and refraining of calling people with such names one can note must be done away with. In any progressive community that seeks to submit dignity under the banner of Ubuntu or Unhu depending on the name that one decides to take upon. It would be hypocritical of a community to champion the aspects Ubuntu yet still appreciate such derogatory terms. In one's observation, it is safe to note Ubuntu; Ubuntu in the observation of this blog appreciated the existence of sex work; the trade was already in existence. If one would link with a Shona proverb, that says, "Chinoziva ivhu Kuti mwana we mbeva ari kurwara" translation It is the soil that knows the offspring of the mouse is sick. On face view, one might quickly condemn and point out that this blog is contradicting itself or condescending or outcasting sex work as a sickness. However, in the observation of this blog rather twisting the meaning of the proverb to best suit the blog, what is being meant by "sick" is the sex work itself. One can note that proverb means that it is the family or community that knows that one or a certain member of the community does sex working as a career. Hence it is best to keep quiet thus Ubuntu in the view of this blog though it champions communal unity yet again it champions the concept of minding one's business. Thus it is of consideration and important in this blogs view that paying attention to the names and labels that can be imposed by the society has a negative and condescending impact on the ones who are in the mix. Be that as it may, under the sun no one has the leverage to judge upon any person's self-determination. If it needs to be there is a need for a gradual shift from using derogatory such as "prostitute" in place of sex worker or escort. The names themselves they are calm pronounce and carry humane understanding energy; as compared to the later exploring furthermore, this unravels yet another commentary with regards to the African community, how will or are they going to change from using such terms as sifebe or hure etc. In the view of this blog in the African community, it takes a generation or the community itself just to shift and desist from using derogatory terms thus it takes the custodians of the community to educate those who they lead in their respective communities, through coming up with palatable nouns. 


In Sexonomics I attempt to explore the opportunities that are available for those who are in the industry how they can manipulate their earnings to best serve them. In this section, one shall explore the rates that sex workers have on the market. After an investigation conducted in December 2019, the rates for sex workers in ones view they are uniform and they range from fifty Rands to one hundred and fifty Rands. This depends on the locale of the sex worker. However, one just observing people in the sex work industry is a hive of a community that is bustling and teeming with life economically. By sexonomics, one appreciates the endless possibilities that lie within the sex industry. Before one embarks on further with this section it is in the best interest to define what is meant by sexonomics. Sexonomics is derived from the blending of the two terms Sex plus Economics equals Sexonimics. In the words of Shaun "Jay-Z" Carter in the track "The Story of OJ," he raps, "Financial freedom is my only hope". Everyone's dream and aspiration under the sun is to be financially free and be granted the possibility to explore the limitless possibilities that lie with being financially free.
In as much as the trade is mocked and shunned it is imperative to note that within their circles the sex workers have started stokvels in other parts of the sparse community they call them rounds again depending on the local of the community. Since sex workers are shunned in the community as a survival mechanism to counteract against the corrosive community they resort informing their own independent financial institutions in which they can survive and earn a decent living. To some great lengths in an organised sexonomic, they can purchase a car, groceries, build houses, take their children to school and be able to pay for their own medical bills. Since the industry is a highly infectious industry they may and can contract Sexually Transmitted Infections. The infections need treatment and treatments need to be paid. Therefore this opens up another rabbit hole in this blog that in the trade the traders themselves. Have access to their own money where they are not dependent on a governmental body to survive. Let alone the trade itself creates and fosters an independent person who is not burdensome to the national coffers. The point that is being driven across in this paragraph is that people in that specific community have access to their own money in which they have the final decision upon the fate of their own earnings. Within the formal financial sector, sex workers fail to access the much-needed loans, that they need because of their trade, that is "sex work". Thus in sexonomics, it brings into the point of financial independence for the person who is in the trade. Where in an environment that is difficult to access a formal employment sex work offers that route of financial freedom if it needs to be for the person to decide to embark on that route in order to earn a living. Thus in wrapping up this subheading if sex work offers the opportunity for one to access money in a safe environment if it needs to be may the person use the avenue to earn a living. There is nothing that is depressing and restrictive to be financially dependent on someone when one has access to financial freedom in financial freedom results in the sex worker to explore the infinite opportunities that are disposable to anyone; by noting that is what is meant by sexonomics. 

Sex work and Self-determination:

In the pursuit of human dignity and self-determination, it is imperative that in light of the ideological evolution of any republic that is sovereign that is to say community. These three pillars that make up a sovereign community and these are Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Upon examining the three pillars first came into existence when the whole idea of civilisation ever came into existence when the earliest man realised that they cannot live in solitude like a deserted island. Human beings are social beings hence they live in a communal environment where friends, family and acquaintances come into existence. However, the three pillars mentioned above were emphasised during the French revolution. Where the French community had reached to a realisation that being a monarchy cannot work. Thus they decided to forge a new chart of "democracy" where they pursue the desires of their hearts where they elect their leaders on an established time frame. The key golden thread that is being woven from the above historical eclipse is that the pursuit of self-determination. That is to say, people or a person has the liberty that is free will to decide how they want their lives to be modelled on how that person would want to fashion their own lives. Equality by this pillar in interpreting equality the mere fact that the all human beings are equal no matter the status the sole fact that people are human beings, have the final say in deciding the trajectory that they want. Lastly fraternity this means a group of people sharing a common interest. In this regard, the common interest is being able to pursue the common interest of being independent and not being instructed what to do and how to lead a life. Basically in this paragraph, one is wrapping up the point of noting that people lead individual lives and people are masters to their destiny choices only matter to the bearer of the chalice. This means in one's observation if one decides to pursue sex work as a career may the person decide through a clear conscience that is not cohesed or intimidated or manipulated the bearer of the chalice of life must decide out of their free will where they know the pros and cons of the social contract that they are signing. Lastly in simple terms, it is the person's life and no one has the say when a person decides to go the route of sex work.  Concluding the paragraph that is what is meant by sex work and self-determination.

Roles of sex workers:

Sex workers do play a role in any community. It is unfortunate that their people who pursue a career in sex work are not given the platform to express their contribution to the community. In understanding what sex workers do in the blog's view, it requires an open-minded person to understand how sex workers contribute to the community. Sex workers come in different shapes and sizes, they cut across the gender lines and cascade right across the sexuality spectrum. Hence the above pointer of noting or exploring the role of sex workers. Sex workers provide what they call the pretty person experience. In this regard that is when a sex worker escorts a person to a function or conference or any gathering and the person who they are with to be given the attention at the social gathering. Sex workers offer what is called the naked experience, by that point one is quick to understand this means the pleasuring of the sexual organs to the extent to have the physical sexual intercourse. Another role sex workers play in the community is what is called, Consolation or the consoling of the client who misses their loved, that is to say, children. Someone who people try to find someone who they can vent and show their vulnerable side to and they are not judged nor ridiculed hence sex workers offer that service of listening to their clients when they express themselves. Sex some would say is a form of art where each stroke, position and the sensual moment is a form of expression that is artistic, this is from an observation that is looking at sex not just being the penetration or the stimulation of sexual organs. This is looking at the whole process from the start to finish sex in itself has an artistic element that it carries. Sex workers play another role that is fundamental too that is sex education that is to say teaching someone how the sexual organs are stimulated and worked with it takes two to tango sexual intercourse Is not one trip to pleasure paradise one has to learn and know how their loved ones vibe when having sex. To some extents, it is demoralising when one partner does not know how to work with their partner. To some extents, this leads to cheating and infidelity. Sex workers play another role in reminding someone what it feels to be touched, the feeling of being caressed stimulates the release of oxytocin which promotes feelings of devotion and bonding. Finally, sex workers, assist people who are disabled to feel the normal or to be alive or to be human. With the above points, one can note sex workers do play an essential role in a community.  


Sex workers in the community play a role that is essential and contribute a positive contribution to the community. When a person decides to choose sex work as a career it must be based on their own choices and not someone else's. People who force people into sex work are pure evil and should be arrested and must face lady justice and be granted what is duly theirs. Closing, Sex work is defined as the sexual encounters by consenting adults for some sort of payment. 

NB: The authorship of this article is paying attention to people who decide to choose sex work as a career. The blog vehemently condemns child sex and sex trafficking. Therefore, the authorship pays attention to the dangers of imbibing in the work. Hence calls for the conversation to be expunged and explored in the public domain. 


  1. This is very interesting, I like the fact that you manage to address all the issues that are related to sex wotk. It's a defficult topic but somehow we need to talk about it. One thing that makes sex work not be be recognized is the system of government. You see Christianity or religion is endorsed in many states.This means that religion has power and once the system is influenced by religion it's not easy to table this issue. Thus, this a matter of religion as long religion condemn sex work.The chance to recognizing sex work is very limited. But if sex workers mobilize they can overcome LGBT community.

    1. Thank you so much for your astute and accurate observation and contribution. Indeed religion has played a role in people's lives. Where human rights of the folks have been trampled. Thank you for the comment.

  2. Just arrived here. Interesting topics!

    1. Thank you so much for the observation. I appreciate your contribution keep an eye out for more unique topics.
      Thank you.


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