Wednesday 30 March 2022

Into the sonic deep end of Water by Nikita Dawson

 Well, the big day "28-03-2022" arrived and brought with it an amazing body of work and I am excited to share with you my appreciation, experience, and solar wonder of the body of work that is timeless, immortal, and forever. The bottom line is that this body of sonic excellence has given us a work that leaves us thinking, wondering, contemplating, and marveling at the thought process that leaves us mind-boggled until the kingdom comes yet it reminds us of the moment that we are in at this timeous existence that reminds many that music is not only a tool to dance to. Music is existence divined through the merger of being, time, and humanity. All crammed and jammed together to allow us to have a body of work that reminds me of Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, and Sade all brought together to remind the many and few that this is what allows you to contemplate and acknowledge that I am alive and I matter and I am human welcome to sonic roller coaster into the deepened of Water by Nikita Dawson. 

It is a body of work that has seven tracks, a blue water cover art, that has a perfectly merged with contrasting hues of the blue colour like a poison dart frog of the amazon. A colour that reminds its predator's that come at me, I guarantee you a guaranteed end to your being but I will give you a heavenly experience that reminds you that you are going to be taken to a world that is not of this timely realm where matter and time are molded together turned to stone for all to gleam, beam, and behold till the ends of time. And so, right there smack baam I am alive; just a snippet from Mercuries hastily heals I am taken across the path of time, taken to the past, thrown to the future and then brought back to the present. Right there that is what the cover art of Water takes one to the seventh heaven before laying your ears to this divinely strummed harp that reminds us that words and instruments serve us to exist and to become in this period by the period it is a euphemism for immortal "forever". 

Water it is one of the many works of art that reminds me of SOHO in the eighties where they are then translated to the twenty-twenties, Hatfield, where the Pretoria region is a reflection of the past while the future stares through the mirror. 

Track #1 starts with some weather effects showing you that you are being taken through a flowing river a river of passion and youthful pleasure, plunging youthful desire. Taken through a journey that crashes you into an elevated spectrum that gives you the listener that there is love that all of humanity gets to experience the gorgeous fountain of youthful bursts of pleasure sultry and assuring. This line, "I got my demons that I gotta un-tame, shadow work no misbehaving" get yourself drenched wet of the youthful bursts of intimacy gets the endorphins racing to give you a caressing huddle that makes you aware of the meaning of youthful timeless existence, that is like an approximately ten to fifteen minutes at max twenty minutes, either way, it is allowing the pearly gates of Saint Peter deliver that which elevates the conscious mind into a heaven that they have never been before. This line slowly and lacely teases the primitive hormones that are as old as humanity that have been passed on from one generation to another trickling down to this time and age. Let the water flow, let the never-ending moments take me to a place that only a few dream of images to be granted to be involved or to be a part of. Let the rawness of my being burst into flames like a phoenix and in my eagle form, I am soaring high I hang there like a glittering chandelier that is marveled and gawked at by an audience of one. Free my beast like the gods Olympus that have released the Kraken before the people of your own made up city state. Turn me into stone with your eyes Medusa where I stay in this stone state forever. In ones perspective that is the feeling that races down my mind upon listening to the youthful, pleasureful lyrics laced with the raw, unbiased untamed youthful gratification of the moans of relieve and like a bird that has been set free to grace the skies as it should do, right here is the solar sonic wonder of this track. The aura of sultry silky soul freeing soul that searches for a heaven of the willing to be free and released for a moment.

Track #2 starts with what I call the duality of being that are in congruence with each other that they seek to be taken away from the moments that roar into the heart of an individual that is seeking healing from within where that within and in within there is a within. A never ending experience that is yearning to be heard and to be free. The contrasting vocals where there is a calm voice and an antagonised voice, it can be interpreted as the afflicted part of the person that is asking to be taken away. To a place that they may be free from the shackles of humanity , the shackles of being the mortal limitations that have taken many away from the elements or plains of mental calmness "take me away..." Take me away from the trauma, pain, and the African Horror Story that seeks for humanity where there is nothing that is only the offspring of the angels and the women, what came out of there were an offspring that have brought pain, despair like flooded humanity boxed in a box that is not suited for them to be in. The track gives out a zoo experience of understanding that humanity with its self-imposed limitations each being is like an animal that is in a zoo, and it is sad and it looks at the other free being all it can communicate in the telepathic spectrum that the recipient may and can understand from a conscious intricate high pitched tone that humanizes everything is the fact that one seeks, asks to be taken away to a realm where if possible may feel human again. 

Track# 3 Begins with a dreamy energy that takes the listener and gently unwraps a waterfall of human emotions gushing into each other without restraint. The beauty behind the madness of youthful passion that tastes so sweet so succulent to the heart of the being that is seeking to be within the warm arms of a loved one, that is willing to be a part of the other. The song is an emotive collide of two souls that have mutual respect and admiration for each other, the song is saying "look I love you and I want to be a part of you with your permission, I see you and I making a perfect match and you complete me and I cannot get enough of you, if that is ok with you...". Intruder, is a soulful song that shows the vulnerable facet of love, of the innocence in love. The innocence of fire, in the innocence of a lion juvenile. With its big beaming eyes, the beauty of time and moment takes one through the heavenly presence of powerful emotions and passion all flooding the hall of humanity. The song speaks of giving me that which souls deserve serenade the purity of time right through the flow of raw aggressive human need of being in the company of that one being that gives the meaning to being in love as mystical as it is as simple as the combining of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The tide washes you onto the beaches of Mauritius while the sun is setting plunging into the deep secretive caves of the silent night, a night that sees it all and tells no one. Only those present in that time can, may, or will behold the secrets that are only kept in the heart of the night. The song gives out the hellish desires that race in our bloodstream only to give us a box of passion wrapped by a red bow. The devilish eyes are unleashed to the few and many that are not seeking to be tamed all they want is to be free and taken to a dimension that many dream and desire to be a part of only if invited shall, may, or will have a bight of the virgin black diamond apple or the pink pearl apple or the knobbed russet apple. The sultry sensation that this track takes one through is that only a few, and many could understand the celestial plain that is extraterrestrial. Escape with me into the abyss that no one does not know where and when it shall end. This song is liberating to those that are in a prison of mortal ecstasy. Give me all of the mental sanity that leaves one secluded in a four-walled prison of sexual liberation, and it is willing to get messy and unashamedly reveal its unforgiving rawness of the gorgeous secrets of being alive, take me away to a place I do not have to worry about tomorrow. 

Track #4, takes us through a silky silhouette, the tracks of a fulfilled guilty pleasure that gives the listener to enjoy slow mature music for budding mature people, allowing them to reap the raw virgin fruits of their youthful lusts and sassiness. "You did a bad thing", that repetition gives out a guilty pleasure that has been fulfilled but it wasn't supposed to be fulfilled because it is the wrong space, place, or time, yet or but it has to be fulfilled. You know when you bind yourself to a contract and you are obligated to fulfill the demands and expectations of the contract, in that metaphorical sense that is the projection that I am getting from listening to this track. This song has that scene when a couple has raw sex at a wedding in the car while the bride and bridegroom in that moment when they climax the bride and bridegroom are exchanging vows. 

Track#5 Let it go just breathe, demanding closure is that song that takes us through the struggles of being a human being, hey I need you and I need answers all I want is to be with you right here right now never tomorrow. Yet again liberate me if you may so I may know that I am just another human being that is going through a lot in this time. Do not leave me hanging I need answers to this enigma that I do not know about but I need you to help me into understanding this pain I am going through. Let go just breathe, I don't wanna feel pain. Liberate me now and I need you to bring out that I seek to have been given. In which it is closure, you know when someone breaks up with you and you just get over the fact that they have broken up with you and you just demand closure, the closure comes about when someone is trying to find answers that may or will give them the closure that they are seeking. A perfect break up song one to listen to when they are having a never ending cascade of questions into the answers that they are trying to seek when their significant other has left the scene. There and then its twelve midnight and its raining outside you make your way to your excess place you are soaked wet, eyes red, knock by the door and you expecting your ex to open that door and at least explain to you the real reason that led him or her either way to arrive to the conclusion of ending a relationship that you thought in your world it was going on well. Therefore the suggests a remedy to counter this feeling and that remedy is laced and sprinkled with love that emits that aura that says "hey i see you and you are bleeding, guess what do this therapy session it will help you". Let it go just breathe, alluding to the adage time heals everything. Time the mortal nemesis to the human being, yet it is the aura that may help you to realise healing if you give it time to teach you the secrets that lies within itself as it is celestial, godly being that even the gods themselves fear to wrestle with. Yet Nikita reminds the listener that in as much time is your mortal enemy in times like these it is your only ally that can help you in your time of need. 

Track #6 This track presents with an energy of the need to find answers within yourself, while that one night stand, that sneaky link, that one you retreat with to your climax. I need answers again in asking you the meaning of being in a relationship. The purity of young dumb love that does not yet understand what tomorrow but I want you right here, right now. The sonic experience that is woven in this song gives a dark heavy undertone, that takes me back to the toxicity of scared and fractured realities they are intertwined in a space that struggles to find the meaning purpose, and sentimental essence of being young, wild, and free. In that space, there are conflicted bodies that are in agreement and at the same time at odds, with everything and that thing is that defines what it means to be human, so this track to me elevates the fabric consciousness that tries to consolidate what it has grappled in an ever fast pacing world that has no time to listen to the needs of the other. Freedom is a yearning ecstasy of that is defined by the human need to at least be immortal, sings in ballads of praises and sounds that liberated the conflicted person that seeks to be through the other when they stare the other dead in the eyes. This song is like a double-edged sword one end I am in love with you and the other is fed up and is tired of being alive depression a part of being alive may, cannot, shall, or could be named or tagged against the essence of the secrets of the history of men. What is pain without joy, what is happiness without pain, how can you miss something or someone when you have never left home. The sense of belonging is defined by the loved ones in our lives. In the much-amplified spectrum, the song is an emotional tumble and tussle into an infinite spectrum that no one knows where it started and where it may end. This song reflects a plethora of colors, colors that speak about the existence we are all living striving to survive in this reality and make sense of it all, I yearn to be in love as a young person, the other side of life is reflected by the depressive lyrics in the featured artist. This song takes us through the pages of time, that no one knows where, when it started to the end of the unknown depths of this abyss. 

Track #7 The final track of the EP, this has been a sonic ride into the core and depths of an artist that has captured the sound that defines its intricate skills. That cuts it above the rest that is still trying to figure out their sound and trying to be perceived and appreciated by the market. Dawson has just not found her sound she has mastered her sound that needs to be given a chance for it to mature and claim its stake in the market based on the grounds of authenticity. She captures and embodies sound and art into one timeless body of creative genius that has mastered the art of even surpassing some of the household names that are gleamed and paid attention to this ever-competitive market. This track starts with a series of heavy introduced beat that captures the listener's attention and it reminds one of the intense music that has been prepared to grant you a heavenly escape. An escape into a realm of freedom "feeds into choices". The harmony between the beat and the vocals is an ever-liberating need that gives the hypersonic existential reality that invites freedom, liberation, in just the composition of the track. An escape into a plain that is designed to free the soul from all the impending adversaries that have hindered many from understanding that the closer is one to understanding the essence of being the more or better is one to comprehend the existence of their own being at that moment in time, "closer to God". In one's suggestion, this line is ambiguous therefore singling out one specific God would not do justice. Therefore one may or might suggest that what is being expressed as God is that which one finds freedom and that one is bound and finds freedom because it is its God. Thus God cannot be singled out in all fairness. Basically, find that which liberates you and maybe it is that that gives out the free will, freedom, and free realm into self.

In conclusion: this seven-track EP "Water" has been masterfully arranged and produced. In the significance of the number seven one might suggest that it is a body of work that speaks of the completed humanity, the completed body of work that is worthy of your time attention, and appreciation. A sonic journey into the complexities of being youth. The conflicts, the congruence of emotions all jammed up in one organic space that allows you to be free and liberated. In one's submission, Nikita is one to watch out on in the music scene of Africa. She is believed to have the skill of harnessing the skills and talents of wielding the talents of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. I am excited to find out what is to come in this lifetime let us give her time and she will gladly grant you a masterpiece. She belongs to the international scene and she deserves to stay there until it comes to an end. 

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