Saturday 29 January 2022

You ain't ready for what is to come, there is a storm coming SA RnB is about to turn on its head.

 When babies are born or we are born. We are born clenching our fists firmly and tightly as if we are travelers that have arrived in this realm and we just took whatever is there before us and we shall create magic with these gifts that we have been gifted by the creator or universe just to be able to survive in this realm of the flesh and blood.  2022 in Mzansi's music scene is proving to be yet another stellar year, a year that many ain't ready for what is to come. All I can say for now is there is a storm coming and I have warned you that the content no the tracks that are coming are going to leave you begging for more and wanting more. 

In my conviction, South Africa's RnB scene is taking itself to the stratosphere, no to the stars, no to the summit of your imagination and you are going to stay there until you have had enough but for me, you will stay there until the end of time, until Atlas exhales and drops the whole world that is resting over his shoulders. 

Many reviewers and predictors might bang their pots and talk about this and that, who and who, that one and this one to me, they are mere Pluto's in the presence of Jupiter. They are mere wannabes in the presence of pure air, calm air, pure energy. Calm as the tranquil Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. Whose heart and aura is as gorgeous as the heart of a gift from the gods themselves. Surely... surely this time the gods are not crazy, she is the female version of Prometheus, she stole the Harp of Cupid, the armor of Athena, and the purity and innocence of Persephone and she wields Mjolnir and Stormbreaker at both ends ready to bring down the RnB space to its knees.

 If you are a regular listener of TuksFM you might know the following artist that has the following lyrics "let it go just breath, I don't wanna feel this pain.." Nikita has an angelic voice, a nymph's melodic hymn that lays eggs in your ear canal. If you listen to another track an earworm will wiggle and take residency in your ear, but this worm is a good earworm. As it unleashes the soul to the heavens and it stays there until the kingdom comes. 

You might be wondering where the hell is this piece going, enough with pussyfooting, let us dive into the core, crisp, of this passage. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you Nikita Dawson the songstress has an enchanting voice that evokes that tames the raging waters in you, the chanteuse tames the beast in you, the songbird chirps till your heart comes to ease. As we are on the backdrop of her latest offering titled, "Sonder Water", this singer is gently making airwaves the time the market realizes her talents she will be long gone, way beyond the market scene of Mzansi. She is that chanteuse that has a voice and sound that deserves the attention of the world. On TuksFM during the Top40 hosted by Venita Engelbrecht, at the strike of 11:20am Central African Time. The hostess of the Top40 announced Nikita's latest single titled "Intruder" the single is for the mature at heart yet sexy to the soul. As I was listening to the track as it was being played on air, I realized that this track is the track for the intimately connected. The track evokes the demon time in many, the track is sultry, sexy, and innocent. The track got me daydreaming of that moment when my dearest beloved is around and we are fooling around like lost pups should be in a consensual space that is. The innocence behind this track brings out the demon time that lurks within. The beauty of existing and being young, wild, and free. The penmanship invested in this track is just stellar is just heavenly, for the lovers I recommend "intruder" to be on your playlist. 

Observing from a distance the effort and time invested by Nikita as she offers a portion of herself to us the listeners. She takes time to produce a timeless classic, music not suited for the grown mature and sexy. Her penmanship, production is for those that understand the intention and meaning of art, her art is for those that understand the complexities of life yet make sense out of it all. Thus making her a standout artist that offers nothing but pure magic. In understanding and appreciating the circumstances that are before us as a generation, where the machine is the one that is dictating what is pure art. In my regard, the machine is just spewing out subpar artists that have bodies of work that do not match what they have to offer to the audience. As for Nikita from her tracks such as demanding closure to Sonder water to Bliss. Nikita has mastered the art of hiding in plain sight and her art is dedicated to those that understand the value of music based on the honest appreciation of the time and intention invested in the art in itself. Most might fail to understand her music as it is music that vibrates on a frequency that is way beyond the general ear of those that have been turned into sheeple by the machine. Nikita is the embodiment of pure class, genius, and greatness. Her sound and vision are that of the major global platform where her sound will laser cut through to the grand stage of major platforms such BBC Radio 1, Hot 97,ZiFM Stereo, MetroFM, 5FM, TuksFM among other top radio stations globally on streaming platforms such as Tidal, Spotify, AppleMusic, Nikita's music by the time the regular ear comprehends her approach it will be like, "fam! you came to the party late, but no harm done; take a seat and relax enjoy the music". She is a star where many have been designed by the machine, and they are told to sell, and tell the story of the machine. 

To be given the access that many "industry plants" have Nikita will floor them and leave them introspecting and asking themselves what the hell have they been doing all along. She is a songbird that weaves a perfect work of art that is timeless as time itself, that matures like wine, and that leaves you addicted to the art invested and process considered to usher the community into a space that is rare and hard to find. All I am saying here and I put my writing career on the line for this Nikita is one star that does not need an introduction. The time you listen to her music you know that she is here to stay not for a season like most, she is here to stay for a while and she has just begun. 

My recommendation would be that jump on to the Nikita train while it's still gathering momentum buy your golden ticket while it is on the offer. The golden tickets are slowly selling off the counter so hurry while stocks last. 

The Chanteuse is an amazing singer that vibrates on the frequency of your Eryka Badu,  Alicia Keys, Aretha Franklin, Miriam Makeba, Cesaria Evora, Chiwoniso Maraire, that frequency of heavenly explosion that offers the listener a liberated soul that is not afraid to tell its own story. Nikita has worked with Majorsteez on the 2019 track D.N.D the vocals laced in that track are just magical. She is one RnB songstress that is putting money where her mouth is at. South Africa's RnB scene is getting a major facelift and Nikita's voice is the pillar that is asserting itself as one of the continuous pillars that define the genre of South Africa and the rest of Africa. The texture, the skill, the approach, the technique which is uniquely related to Nikita and Nikita only. In my view creates her own worldly space a space that is for her and those that appreciate her delivery and interpretation of the genre as it is designed to serve those that appreciate her unique talents. Nikita is only a matter of time till she gets the masses' recognition, she has arrived and does not need to explain herself and her talents. What a time to be alive to witness a talent, a work of art defining the space, the genre, the music scene of South Africa and Africa. This is just the beginning and there is more to come and I was never ready...

Keep your eyes and ears leveled against the ground the album is dropping soon...

A message to Nikita, you have defined the art itself, your approach to this genre is epic and I know your sound is going places I believe in your talents.

Sunday 23 January 2022

Osama by Zakes Bantwini: My journey with Osama, a life long experience.

 An excerpt by Venita Engelbrecht host of the TuksFM Top 40,  the excerpt has been borrowed to give context and to find a point of departure in this piece. Venita was announcing the track (Osama) as she was announcing she then said the following, "A big hot track that went viral this year (2021).... and although it went viral and was liked by many it still left people listening to this song (Osama) very confused because they just couldn't figure out the language it was in... FUN FACT: Zakes finally revealed all a while back and Can I just say pure genius is in this song. Osama (the song) is not written in any specific language... the song is written in tongues and the reason being is that Zakes wanted to touch each and every soul and he knew the only way to do that is to not link a specific language or message to the song. The song speaks about the lion within you Osama means Lion. The beauty behind Osama is that the words can mean anything you want them to make sense to you. For some, it can be a prayer and to others, it can be a club banger it is all up to you, a spiritual thing but to you or to someone else it can be a love song. It's (Osama the song) whatever you interpret it to be!" thank you, Venita, for the notes.

The South African music scene has been dominated by the Amapiano genre which got people dancing since the pandemic started way back in 2019. Unbeknownst to the masses' consciousness, a track was being cooked, without any warning in the late quarter of 2021. A club banger was released and it has gotten people across the racial, cultural, sexual, and ideological spectrum dancing. The intensity of this song got renowned brands lining up to work with the artists in various campaigns. The mass appeal that this song has gotten the masses dancing, praying, singing, ululating, and merry-making. Others claim that the song opens up their third eyes, others claim it makes them walk on water, while some say all their worries are washed away to the depths of their rivers of sorrow. All that can be beheld in this tangent is that this body of lyrical magnum opus is that it is a track for the people, intended by the people. Therefore making the track be appreciated by all, over and above in all goodness this track is going to be rocking the airwaves for decades to come and this is why I state so. 

This track feels like one going through a luscious green plain, a dive into a dimension within a dimension. The harmony behind the vocals and the percussion is a heart-tugging feeling, a soul snatching feeling, a mind arresting feeling. You can just swiftly dive into the flowing lyrics, to the common mind they do not make sense. To the elevated, heightened mind the lyrics make sense they are a commune of the intangible through the vocals the abstract becomes tangible. The once blinded eyes become anew and they view the world anew. This track is a track that is textured, curated, crafted to allow one to have a spiritual baptism, in the four minutes the soul becomes raised to the stratosphere. After listening to the track, it feels like you have completed your passionate baptism, and you are birthed anew. To an extreme exaggerated view, the track can be likened to a drug, the track is addictive. It lays eggs in your ears, after a few seconds of gestation an earworm wiggles in your ear. It will take residence in your ear and arrest your soul and you become a loyal listener of the track. All in all this track has been tailored to cut across the spectrum like a laser beam seamless and accurate. In the name of the culture, others would call the track "a spiritual thing". Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the world of Osama by Zakes Bantwini and Kasango.  

In my analysis incorporating my artistic lenses and literary approach, when the track was released I tried to avoid listening to the track with a lot of people around me. I felt that I will not be able to connect with the track as it is intended to be felt and appreciated by the creators. I, therefore, took time to listen to the track, as I took my take in cupping my ears, arresting them in the prison of my headsets. I felt as if I have self-immolated myself in the musical genius that was"is" before my presence, I laid my ears to the crucifix of musical artistry, self-inflicted imprisonment which I am gladly embracing and taking full custody of as if it is my own child. The song does not demand anyone's approval, does not expect anyone's validation or stamp of praise. The song is so good that it speaks for itself as it is a work of art, a magnum opus of the twenties, a track that has matured like cheese, fermented with great accuracy like wine, has been brewed with excellence like umqombothi. Chosen from the finest ingredients available to the market and presented before us as we are inspired to open our hearts to welcoming a track like no other in this day and age. Understanding the synthesis behind this track one might take a glance a try to paint a picture. A picture that dates back to the golden fifties of  Sophiatown when the Apartheid government was in full control and whisking away the lives of many and prospects of others. Sophiatown was it place, a place to be a place where all the worries of the tyrannical government had to be cast away and opened a new page a page where freedom for humanity was understood. This track "Osama" in one's view evokes that feeling of incomprehension and juxtaposing to the reality that is upon us. The similar tyrannical approach of governments is not similar to that of yesterday, in the name of public health people have been restricted, constricted, and have witnessed their rights being arrested by governments and cooperations. A similar sentiment reminds us of the importance of being free and alive. This track "Osama" is that vehicle that advocates for the total liberation of all against the clatches and shackles of the mafia-like organisations that have imprisoned all in the same of law and order. When in reality the custodians of leadership in many cases are the ones robbing from the people. This song is not a mistake, nor is it a coincidence this song is a gift from the intangible plain to the tangible pain. This song is a song for the people, a reminder that you have the will to decide your own destiny. When the experts have failed to come up with the tangible reason that has led to the collapse of humanity. The song empowers all to understand that the truth, to all of our lies, rests in you. 

Upon listening to Osama you get to realise you are on an independent journey, a journey to nowhere yet a journey somewhere. A deep celestial dive into your heart of hearts, the leveled calm vocals are textured to speak to the one that seeks their eyes to the code wove in the intangible lyrics, the truth to this tack lies within you. This decade or window from 2019 to 2020 mushroomed a lot of motivational speakers, the gurus of life, the fundis, and philosophers of life. When in reality it is another human being that is trying to make a quick buck by looking all glossed up and manifesting a superficial perspective to the assumed answers of life. When in actuality the truth lies within you, the answers to this world rest within you, the solutions to your unique hurdles take home within you. Therefore drawing a juxtaposition to the track as it is intelligible we are introduced to another perspective of the song as it is reminding all that have their worries and seeking answers to this intelligible reality that is life. In all in all as it does not make sense you find sense in the nonsense. Thus in my view, the approach incorporated in this track is to empower the listener into understanding that the truth that we all seek does not lie in the next. Live your truth as you have found that truth as it is with the rest of everything as there are many ways of solving a chess problem like so in life there are many ways of solving your own problems. This track can be seen as a motivational track, another reminder that Zakes and Kasango with melody are reminding all that you do not need a motivational speaker to go after your life, to fetch your life. You need yourself, your intuition as your heart and soul decide to make sense of what is before itself. In one's observation, this track is dispelling the nuances that have mushroomed in this day and age as grifters and con artists have decided to make easy money through dosing people with lies so as to look and seem relevant within the eyes and ears of the many. When in reality the truth that you seek, in the intelligible lyrics as the world is they all reside in the heart and soul of one that views its reality " we live in the same building but we got different views" That is how the mastery of this song has allowed humanity to understand that there is no need to be dependent on anyone. Find your truth live it, understand it, practice it, and know it in embracing your intelligible journey you make sense of the reality that you face and you do not have the conviction of imposing your view upon someone else as you understand your reality. Thus the philosophical approach to listening to Osama as it allows the listener to make sense of it all through their own understanding. 

Osama means Lion, the symbolism of the Lion is a curated and intentional approach to evoking the animal in you the listener of the track. From one angle we are brought to understand that in African culture, many ethnic groups use animals to identify themselves. The various animals in the animal kingdom that have been incorporated into African culture are as follows, Leopard, Buffalo, Zebra, Monkey, Lion, Elephant, Eland, Porcupine among other animals and monikers. This approach is a conscious code that the artists have woven into this track. As humanity is facing a stern test into survival as everything has been pushed to its limits. The conscious critical question around animal welfare has been brought to the picture, many lions are being kept in captivity forced to reproduce, and then sold off as exotic pets, trophies, or for medicinal purposes that the human being find marketable only to satisfy its gluttonous urges. In order for humanity to be able to survive the impending doom conservational practices have to be incorporated and ethics have to be practiced in order to survive. Therefore here in one's observation this track uses the Lion symbolism, in one's suggestion they are raising the conscious question around the welfare of nature and its species that beautify the world. The work is a conscious work that discusses the importance of nature in our lifetime and what tomorrow holds. The symbolism of the Lion can be further explored along these lines, the listener is of royalty, the listener is of majestic grace and opulence. The listener is strong, as the lion claims its territory, so should the person claim its territory. In suggesting this anecdote further, the Lion is a confident animal, sure-footed like a goat scaling down a palm tree. In the same breath, the listener is a lion they are being encouraged to claim its stake in this world. Without prejudicing anyone as they chase after what is theirs and what has destiny prepared them, seek after that which is yours, race down that is meant to be yours conjured by the efforts of one's hands. The symbolism of the Lion is sacred and majestic, spiritual, and important to African culture and religious culture. As is the Lion is a revered and respected animal from rugby to football, to companies, to brands they all use the Lion as a moniker a representative of what they believe should and is the culture of themselves and just the Lion moniker speaks for what they stand for and believe in. The Lyrics as they dive deep they evoke the Lion in the listener's heart. The roar of the Lion is a sign to all potential enemies not to trample nor dare to cross its path or else they will feel the might and thrust of the Lion. In the lyrics, there is the part that goes "Oh-oh-oh" here it can be interpreted as the Lion being copied as it is roaring. The same approach of the roar of the listener being evoked in the listener claim your stake, claim your territory, be ready to defend your legacy. Thus again here the writers of this song are realising us to understand that nature and humanity are interwoven. One finds being, purpose, and existence in just mimicking the Lion in the same thread the Lion in one's heart resurrects in the heart of many. 
Osama the Lion is always alone in the savanna plain as it claims its place in this world. The same experience of being African, the African is reminded that it is alone and it has to be strong as the Lion. As the Lion can feed itself the African has the will to feed itself, cater itself, and protect itself, Kwame Nkrumah once said, "the African can solve its own problems". In the same school of thought, the Lion stands tall and defends its identity and so the African, or anyone can and has the capacity of defending itself. 

 Osama is an evocative song that is tailored and well-curated, textured, and tailored to be in communication with the inner person. The person that has a yearning of being free, to feel alive, and not just being alive but being alive with a purpose. A purpose that reminds the listener as the life ahead expects one to be strong, confident, and firm in their conviction. Evoke the Osama in you and become liberated the person that you are destined to become awaits you to realise that liberation rests and lies in one. 

This song "Osama" carries a celestial aura that grapples the ear and the heart. Taking a look at the video's introduction with the guest appearance of the legendary actor Prof John Kani gives, rather emits the reconstruction of the scene in the Black Panther movie. The scene is an iconic scene and well-tailored to deliver the vitality of African culture, the majesty of African culture, the richness of African culture. African spirituality is woven into African culture in everything that the African does is spiritual. Tracing back to the way we eat, live, interact, and prepare our food. It is a spiritual practice that is alien to the commercial, capitalised world that is soulless and out of touch with humanity. African culture is a dream space that expresses the dogmatic aura of having a calling into the various gifts we all have as we have been brought into this reality we understand that existence is not a matter of what can one get out of the other, it is what one can give to the other. As is Zakes approaches Prof Kani in the scene.  Therefore we all gifts a purpose in this world evoke the Osama in you and seek within you what you can do to give back to the world that has made you. The journey of finding purpose, and intention is a lonely path and heavy over and above it is tempting, tempting to quit as it is scary. Thus our wisdom strength and understanding of what or that bothers humanity or us in our independent spheres the answers lies in the elders of our community. The importance of elders in any community especially in African culture resonates with the existence of time, appreciates the importance of time. In the journey of self-discovery or reeducation elders are there to provide wisdom and suggestions which can be used to solve contemporary issues so as to preserve the humanity and sanity of society.  The importance of elders in any community is a cultural trait that maintains balance in society.  It reminds us all that for a community to survive and avoid chaos the older generation and younger generation need each other. In the name Ubuntu or Unhu in African culture, one cannot conquer a task alone, one cannot achieve or overcome a problem one needs the counsel of others and the wisdom of elders "makomo anponana mhute" the song further expounds on the need of the younger generation to respect elders as it is indefinite that paths of destiny or life are not governed by the mortal man they are governed by the bearers of the odds of fate, therefore, it is important to keep the goodwill of energy in one's conduct, "chisinga sangane makomo, nzizi ne nzira zvinosangana". 

In much none-African literature or folktale, they are composed around a central figure that is molded to have achieved feats alone one such example the mythology tales of Hercules, the prowess of Ghenghis Khan, Alexander of Macedonia, they are romanticised to have achieved great feats alone whereas in actuality they achieved the feats from the help of others. Whereas in African culture and folklore each triumphant feat is structured around the community. The contribution to the quest of preserving humanity and being all resonates and rests before the community working together. Thus it is everybody's effort to contribute to the greater cause of existence through the cross-pollination of ideas to find sustainable concepts into preserving and furthering humanity.

Osama is an electrifying song that will be relatable and relevant for the foreseeable future, due to the intense commercialisation of art. The essence of many tracks has lost its value because of the view of trying to be hip and trendy. The dangers of it all are that the tracks might be a hit for at least a month than in the coming months or years to come it will have faced its demise a sword of Damocles which is upon many tracks. However, in my regard Osama, I foresee this track as a timeless classic that will be played Until the end of time and the end of humanity. It is a dark horse of a track that snuck up on the audience without setting off the alarm. The aim of this song in my regard is longevity, given time the track will mature like wine and be served with class and pristine. The track is a masterpiece that deserves recognition like any other body of work granted the track's potential it has the potentiality of getting people dancing in the summertime. In the northern hemisphere of the globe as they will be partying Osama will be their summer track. On the international scene of Ibiza, Paris, London, MiamiManila the track can reach that type of audience and even get them dancing to their feet. Osama is a track that deserves a nomination from the AFRIMA, to the SAMA's cascading to the MAMA's, though these are my sentiments and my opinion it is up to the gatekeepers to do what is right. We all know that the award ceremonies are political and they are rigged and political as cooperations and music labels are all baying for the attention of the masses and they are driven to incorporate hooks and crooks. They forsake the sentiments of appreciating art in its purity In my universe this track has won my award. 

Osama birthed that is birthed from joy and pain, the pain of being a negro is like being in a never-ending trial. A battle of one firstly, a battle with itself, then its family from the family squared circle smack bang into the squared circle of the community then the whole country it is whole tribal warfare that is afoot. This song is the birth of ajar worlds that complement each other, what is pain without joy, what is life without void, what is existence without all the misery and triumph. This stream of thought was evoked by Mrs. Madida nee Mngoma from an interview she said, "...the song is a reflection of where everyone should be...". Comprehending the quote it can be suggested that what is being communicated by the couple is that everyone is in a moment and that moment is that is meant to inspire the best out of one in as much as reality and the hands of fate deliver what they believe are the challenges of life whether good or bad it is up to the recipient of the challenges to decide what is needed to be done in order to preserve themselves from the tides to come that may wipe off many from the face of existence.

Glossolalia: "the phenomenon of (apparently) speaking in an unknown language (tongue) especially in religious worship. It is practiced especially Pentecostal and Charismatic churches."

Osama expands on the tangent of:

Xenolalia:  "the ability to speak in a language which the individual has not learned"


Akolalia: "A speaker, speaks in one language and the hearer hears in her/his own language (or one s/he) understands"

Osama is an embodiment of the above three pillars as is it a commune of the three coming together all blended into making the song and telling the African identity as it is designed and respected and observed as part and parcel of the human circle. In the intelligible one's stance, purpose and origin are inspired by moments of not making sense but there is sense. Involving Akolalia into the fray the song is written in a language that is not understood or known but it is woven to give the listener or recipient of the music a comprehensive appreciation of finding the truth that lies within themselves as mentioned above. In listening to the track one may suggest that the idea woven in the song was to be in commune with everyone and be able to connect with the soul. Zakes and Kasango avoid using a particular known tongue or language according to Zakes they did not want to be confined by the views of people. Furthermore suggesting that the writing style and composition of the song is to nudge to find a gem of truth within. Zakes and Kasango intention was to connect with everyone that gets the chance to listen to the song. The medium of using music which is a universal language, good music has no bounds, cannot be boxed, and may not be categorised. Good music is transcendent, good music is consumed by the people and is designed for the people. As they listen to themselves they find themselves being universally connected by a single track. 

Examining the lyrics the writers mention a number of key influential people and places. In the song, they mention Angola according to a News24 article Zakes says that he loves Angola. In one view the mentioning of Angola in this song one might suggest that Zakes is paying an homage to Angola and extending his appreciation to the country as it played a pivotal role in assisting South Africa in finding her independence away from the apartheid regime. MK fighters would get their military training in countries such as Tanzania, Zambia, and most of all Angola. Another angle that can be involved in this thread of thought would be that Zakes mentions Angola he is expressing his appreciation of the country and he is saying Angola is his home too. A way that can be seen to be used to bring the people together East, West, North, and South Africa is our home and it belongs to every African that hails and has belief in the continent. Furthermore, Zakes mentions titans such as Miriam Makeba, a titan that fought for the independence of Africa with her voice and she was a leading thought leader on the continent to today her thoughts are appreciated and consulted all the time in search of the truth that creatives seek to embrace in order to understand the value of the work that they produce. Elders play a role in the cultural preservation project, in the identity preservation project, in the conviction expressing project. The name dropping of Fela Kuti in the song, a maverick of African beats i.e. Afro Beats, that held governments to accounts through tracks such as Zombie, Lady, yellow Fever, Teacher don't teach me nonsense, Water among other songs. Fela was and is a cultural icon that serves the same talents on the liberation of Africa as Miriam Makeba. Therefore the newer generation of creatives and everyone that is inclining their ears to this magnum opus, in one's suggestion would be that the answers that Africa seeks lie in the elders of yesterday. Finally, Zakes mentions Lilongwe in the song, a city that he appreciates as it is meant to guide the people into appreciating the beauty of African names, the beauty of the African language.

"It (Osama)is a prayer to someone, it is a spiritual thing to someone, to someone (else) it might be a love a song it's whatever you interpret it to be", Zakes Bantwini

Osama is a song that can be sung in haste or a song that can be sung when one is at ease. A body of art that has stretched the chord of artistic genius, honesty, vulnerability, and intention. A chronicle into the life of a human being; artist's creatives are receptors, gateways, intermediaries, go-between the invisible world and the visible world. Therefore this body of literary genius is a representation of the purity, honesty of music from Africa. It is neither commercial nor indie it is just a body of work meant to celebrate art, immortalise Africa and celebrate humanity.

Osama is a subjective song a song that is not a generic song that is basically saying power to the people. The people are the ones that decide what is an art not cooperations. Anybody of artwork is meant to be consumed by the people and not a pod of people that have to determine the value of a body of work Zakes is essentially giving power to the listener "raging against the machine". 

The song sows the seed of hope, aspirations, and the thought of believing that everything is going to be alright.

As we part ways for now in one's view Osama is a good, no scratch that it is a great song and I am looking forward to more tracks that are tailored in the idea of serving the people and giving them what they deserve. Maybe Mr. Zakes will read this blog today, tomorrow, or never from one blogger that appreciates efforts kudos, sir. 

To the audience and listeners thank you for your time. 

Here is a poem for you inspired by listening to Osama

I'm taken aback, as i...
Bang my chest with pride
Wearing my leopard skin shoal
I stand before the banks
Of the mighty blood river
I listen carefully to the wails,
Of my fallen ancestors
I gaze to the summit 
Of the Drakensburg
I behold unkosi  yamankosi
uShaka serenaded by the 
Ululations of Nandi
My hope rises like the sun
Shines bright in the dark like the moon
I walk in the valley
Of shadows of uncertainty
May I live to tell the tale
That many have failed to tell...


Tuesday 11 January 2022

Conakry to Bamako via ECOWAS enroute to democracy in West Africa.

 In this essay, we shall take an observation into the successful coups that took place in the two neighboring West African states of Mali and Guinea. In this essay, I am going to investigate the impact of the successive coups that took place in Bamako and Conakry. West Africa like any other region in Africa is a victim of misgovernance, corruption, tribalism, puppet rulers, kakistocratic , nepotic heads of state and government, where aspects such as liberty, equality, and fraternity. The trident that determines a republics' future and how it interacts with its citizenry. In turn, this then leaves the population vulnerable to the elements of terrorism, the key pillars that makeup and ascertain a state's safety and security. Leaves them ill-equipped and dependant on the protection of their own state, lying in the hands of foreign military assistance. Which to a seasoned soldier in one's observation might be an infuriating reality, therefore to the continents least expectation a special military forces coup is led by a significant leader that is either charismatic among his brother's in arms, well decorated and has an eye that is convincing to those that follow him. To an extent the junta leader would be a highly unknown figure to the public but revered among the ranks of his brothers in arms, one might suggest their military experience would attract loyalty across the army barracks. 

Thomas Isadore Noel Sankara, his tragic demise at the allegedly accused Blaise Campaore, three decades later his assassination still sends shockwaves across the continent and the world. A staunch critic of imperial states and was torn on the French government's side his political views against the French left a bad taste in the pallet of the french government during his prime. Sankara was an advocate for the emancipation of the Africans across the plateau that determines any Africans independence. He was an advocate for African independence and self-reliance, in order for the vision of self-reliance. Sankara was an advocate for education, a decolonized Burkanabe education that would or could be transplanted across the African continent. In accordance with political terms, one would say Thomas Sankara was a son of the soil. As he understood that the costs of imperialism have had an adverse effect on the economy of many African states. As he observed that financial loans from global financial institutions were a mechanism used by the institutions to subjugate and keep African states under colonial control through historical debts. Therefore the financial institutions would then enforce African states to adopt an economic structural program that systematically keeps African states at their mercy. Such methods to pay off the debts that the African states would have adopted would be that the production of cash crops such as tobacco, cotton, and other products. They would then be sold at a devalued price in the focus of paying off the debts that African states would have acquired along the way as a means to develop themselves. This in turn meant African states will forever be at the mercy of their former colonial masters and their institutions of finance. Sankara's advocacy for an independent Africa meant that the encouragement of all officials within his government to purchase products that are locally manufactured. This approach by Thomas Sankara encouraged local economic growth at the expense of the foreign institutions which in one's observation enraged the former colonial masters of Burkina Faso. Allegedly conspired with Blaise Campaore to lead the assassination on his once former ally or brother in arms in 1987. The West African region has had key leaders and leadership icons that advocated for the progression and independence of Africa just to name a few John Jerry Rowlings, Seikou Toure, Modibo Keita. However, the region also is plagued by a past that many when they hear about the following names it would send chills down their spine. One such case would be Sani Abacha whose tentacles of corruption stretch as far as today, the Nigerian government with its partners is still unearthing the rapacious appetite of the former general that brought Nigeria into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. In which Sani Abacha's wrath and gross appetite for vengeance were not afraid even to harm a free thinker such as Wole Soyinka. The prolific playwriter and novelist whose satirical body's of literary work brought to light the gross reckless nature of Sani Abacha to light through literature. This paragraph highlighting the two ajar African examples delivers to the floor the impact of what inspires coups to occur. Especially from the military barracks. The strong burning devotion and desire to save "the motherland" over the passage of time constantly inspires a new generation of daring think tanks. That has the intention of at least seeing their beloved homelands free from the clutches of corruption, misgovernance, and impunity. The training of defending the rights of the people as they interpret the constitution army personnel to understand that it is in the best interest of the state and its people to be liberated from the tentacles of the unpatriotic persons such as the likes of Boubacar Keita of Mali or Alpha Conde of Guinea. In observing assuming that each "coupists" intention for their motherland is pure and noble. The model of Thomas Sankara and John Jerry Rowlings would be the perfect outlet and blueprint to see the junta governments ushering in democracy within their states respectively.

Unraveling further a hypothesis has been proposed in the best interests of suggesting a window into understanding what is happening in both countries respectively. In this case, one shall start from the coast making headway into mainland Mali. The first hypothesis the coups that took place in Mali and Guinea were not a coincidence the coups might have been planned in months or years before it would have ever happened. Only a small number of military persons knew about what is happening in Mali and Guinea. This can be suggested by what can be determined as the geographical factor. This means Mali and Guinea are neighbors, Mali needs Guinea to gain access to the sea and therefore encourage trade with other parts of the world. In the best interest to counter any form of retaliation from ECOWAS Mali needs Guinea as a passage to access the Atlantic Ocean.  According to various media outlets, one of the reasons that led to the ousting of Boubacar Keita by Col. Asimi Goita was the Tuareg rebels that were causing instability in the northern part of Mali. This then inspired Goita to execute the coup, furthermore, it is reported that the Keita army was defeated by rebels and this did not sit well with Goita. The project one state is being advocated by another military person Nobel Peace prize laureate winner Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed. Such persons will do whatever it takes to keep the country together. If it is going to war and decimate any opposition as witnessed on the ground in both parts of Africa. The army persons are not hesitant to pull the trigger to save the country. In the name of democracy and the future of the state. Reports coming out of Bamako suggested that the Keita government was corrupt, nepotic, and was not accountable. This then resulted in the loss of revenue in the country of Mali this meant programs such as education, health, economic opportunities for all were not on the cards in Mali. Considering the rich heritage and history the country carries from the great libraries of Timbuktu to be the home of Mansa Musa. One would suggest in the name of democracy and the best interests of the Malian people. Asimi Goita would be inspired to reach out to his colleague in Conakry and attempt to lead the coup. Mali has gold, bauxite "which is used for aluminum production, and aluminum is used in almost everything that pertains to electrical gadgets.", iron ore, limestone, phosphates, and uranium "which is used in nuclear technology", and the country has proven reserves of oil shale which can be extracted from sedimentary rocks and be used to economic growth. In turn, if managed properly the funds generated from the economic activities will ease the pressure off the shoulders of Malians. If possible cases such as unemployment, poverty, rebels would be solved because everyone has equal opportunities in the country. To an extent, the reasons signaled above would have inspired Col Asimi Goita to lead the coup and remove Boubacar Keita from his presidency. Including the Prime Minister of Mali Moctar Ouane including President, Bah N'Daw was removed in May of 2021. Mali witnessed two coups in one year, the reason behind the coups according to reports some were suggesting that coup leaders were being sidelined by the two heads of state and government which then prompted Col Asimi Goita to conduct the coup back in May 2021. The main reason behind the coups was that President Bah N'Daw and Prime Minister Moctar Ouane, they announced a new cabinet that excluded key military leaders. A sign that was not taken lightly by the junta of Goita. This then inspired the army to whisk away the realms of authority by force from the grasps of Ouane and N'Daw. Subsequently leading to Col Asimi Goita to be sworn in as the head of state and government of Mali. A move that the regional body ECOWAS did not appreciate the coup as ECOWAS assumed that the junta would allow an interim civilian government would assist Mali in establishing a civilian government under the watchful eye of the junta. In this regard, Col Asimi Goita in a bid to consolidate authority as he perceived that the rights of Malians are under threat, and as Malian democracy is under threat the Colonel saw to it that he is sworn in to be the president of Mali. It is worth noting that Colonel Asimi Goita became the head of state and government at the age of thirty-nine years. With the rise of military-led coups by young leaders on the continent one may suggest that the continent of Africa is caught in between an age crisis. Where the younger generation "millennial leaders" are cropping up and they have not witnessed, experienced, any form of stability in their respective countries. The only way to them in assuring that such stability is witnessed in their lifetime is to topple the older generation or in an unfortunate turn of events, their parents would pass away in the line of combat as is the case for Tchad. It might not be the same situation in Tchad where the chairman of the Transitional Military Council has a de facto status for President in Tchad. President Mahamat ibn Idriss Deby Itno aged thirty-eight is now the de facto president of Tchad. The way Mahamat ibn Idriss Deby Itno became the de facto leader of Tchad, some of the critics of the Military Council, claim that or interpret the transfer of power along the family lines disobeying the rules of the constitution can be interpreted as a coup. This can be debated around as it is a matter of interpretation. However, what is being delivered in this segment is that there is a shift in the African continent. Where millennials are now replacing the older generations that saw the inception of countries. In some cases, it is a messy situation and in other cases, it is a non-violent transfer of power. A case in point that can be interpreted as a shift in power on the continent where the old guard is being replaced by a new guard would be the Ethiopian crisis, where the TPLF has crossed swords with the Prosperity Party government of Abiy Ahmed that can further be witnessed and understood that the conflict in Ethiopia is a matter based around age. The younger vibrant appealing youthful leader Abiy Ahmed who is forty-five years. Is tussling for power with an older generation that does not seek, nor interprets to be challenged by a younger generation that is exposing them of their corrupt activities, and at the same time kraaling them (TPLF) to be part and parcel of his political party The Prosperity Party. This can be suggested as a clash of generations which then led to a bloody conflict in Ethiopia which comes at a great heavy price for the Ethiopian people. The point that is being delivered and is being focused on in this section furthermore is directed to give the reader an observation into the democracy conversation around the factor of age. Where the interpretation of democracy on the continent of Africa is no longer the same as the interpretation of the older generation, the ones that brought independence. It can be signaled around globalization and also the continent of Africa as being the youngest continent in the world. The median age is about eighteen to twenty-two years old. Therefore as a suggestion to this conversation, it can be linked to the conflicts that are happening across the continent from east to west, north, and south. 

The second hypothesis focuses and interrogates, suggesting that the coup that happened in Conakry may be visited along the tangent of the ousted Guinean President Alpha Conde's decision of moving away from the colonial bondage that most former francophone states were forced to sign during the times of Charles De Gaulle. The eight West African states that signed the "pact of the continuation of colonization", the legal instrument was dedicated to keeping all former francophone states to be under the control of the French in which a certain percentage of their annual budget is transferred to the French central bank. In a bid to maintain legitimacy in the eyes of the Guinean electorate proposed that Guinea should leave the pact. In 2017 the Emmanuel Macron was of the opinion that Alpha Conde would leave power gracefully. A foreshadowing for Alpha Conde that he should step away from power while he still has his dignity intact. One might suggest that maybe Parisian intelligence had an insight about a budding mutiny from the Guinean army. A piece of key information that Alpha Conde did not know about as the army under the leadership of Colonel Mamady Doumbouya was planning a coup against Alpha Conde. Broadening the scope in trying to understand the coup from a far-off distance, it can be appreciated in the context of the role Guinea plays in the global manufacturing of electronic devices. This in turn means that Guinea is the third-largest producer of the mineral Bauxite which is then processed to bring out aluminum. Aluminum is then used in the assembly of electronic devices in this key role that Guinea plays. This then assists Guinea to be a key player on the global front of electronic device manufacturing. In observing Alpha Conde's stance of consciously moving away from the "pact of the continuation of colonization". This did not sit well with the former colonial master of Guinea in order for its economy to be spectacular, and eye-watering as it is to this day. In observing the economic and financial hostage situation that francophone states are kept by France. If any Francophone walks away from the pact it is either the country is isolated and made an example that deters other Francophone states to walk away from the pact. At the same time, some of the rebellion that occurs in those parts of the continent do not occur spontaneously, one might suggest that there would be a foreign handler that is funding these rebels targeting their inner most angst. One such case would be the tribalism card or linguistic card, maybe an ethnicity card in the bid to cause instability. Therefore in order to maintain peace and stability, the French army is then called upon to assist when such crises do occur. Another classic example would be the Ivorian crisis of around 2011/13 when Laurent Gbagbo disputed with the results of the election thus instigating Alassane Ouattara to flee to France and plead for assistance in removing Laurent Gbagbo in the full view of ECOWAS. Unfortunately for Alpha Conde, he had stirred the hornet's nest and he did not heed to the advice of his French compatriot, in seeking a third term was drawing unwanted attention on the president further inspiring the serviceman under Doumbouya to lead the coup. One of the reasons that inspired the serviceman to commit a mutiny against their former leader as highlighted by the Colonel were the following reasons, corruption, misgovernance, poverty just to note a few. Based on those reasons Alpha Conde was a sitting duck in which he was deposed from authority by his own serviceman and has not been seen in public for some months. In understanding the coups that occurred in Guinea and Mali, one might suggest the following suggestion "which is open for discussion with any interested party". The coups that occurred in Mali and Guinea were not coincidental, they were planned well in advance where the serviceman operated under the radar of their own presidents Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and Alpha Conde. In the whim of Sankaraism, the serviceman sought to duplicate the similar feat in their respective nations. Another point that may be submitted in this section is that led to the success of the coups. One would note that the people of Mali and Guinea permitted the soldiers to do so. As it can be understood that in both nations rich with minerals and potential that are being underutilized any form of an outlet would be permissible in their gaze. Furthermore, the two leaders Colonel Goita and Doumbouya are respected war heroes that have gained experience from various campaigns. In which as armies operate they operate in accordance to hierarchy the seasoned and decorated the person the greater the respect they have among their peers. It was unfortunate for the coupists of Gabon that they rushed into executing their plan before establishing firm roots within their further resulting in the coup being unsuccessful. As the coupists spoke on Gabonese national television they highlighted key arguments that many Gabonese have been lamenting for a while. One such case would be the health of Ali Bongo Ondimba, the Gabonese leader who has been inflicted by a stroke but is still holding on to power. The nation has oil but the national resources have been privatized only to serve the Gabonese political elite at the expense of the Gabonese people that have been pushed to the brink of human-induced poverty. Due to greed from the elite that is only focusing on serving themselves and their cronies. Which deplores the state into a state of apathy when that is not the case granted the means of democracy are observed and respected by the powers that be. In such cases in the attempt into understanding the decision of the two leaders Colonel Goita and Doumbouya had the conviction of leading the coups. As their actions can be interpreted into that they were questioning the legitimacy of ECOWAS, a question that critics the organization as is it a body that advocates for democracy across the West African bloc or it is a club for the political elite that have their interests to be appreciated at the expense of the masses. A serviceman is trained, conditioned, and taught to be loyal to their country. This can be observed what makes up a country? A country is not just the fauna and flora it is the inhabitants of that territory as they are entitled to the terms and conditions stipulated from the social contract. That they should be granted access to liberty, equality, and fraternity which in turn inspires the development of a nation. Unfortunately due to a plethora of cases such as poverty, corruption, kleptocracy, nepotism, among other ills, they inspire coups as is the case of Mali and Guinea. 

In observing that the successive coups might have been in the works for a while without the knowledge of Keita and Conde. Given the socio-economic factors that have plagued the people of Mali and Guinea the factors inspired the pair to evoke a coup within their respective territories, one may suggest that it was planned well in advance. The chief architects of the coup especially in Mali anticipated the aggression of ECOWAS where the regional bloc would impose economic sanctions on Mali since Mali is a landlocked country and it needs access to the Atlantic Ocean and the rest of the world. The Goita administration needs Guinea to pass through and carry out its trade. Thus in the understanding of military brotherhood. The sanctions would have an impact on Mali however not as much as ECOWAS would have anticipated. As in Guinea, there is a junta that shares the same ideology as the Malian Junta. A similar situation of 1965 was when the then Rhodesian government of Ian Smith declared the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (U.D.I.). A political move by Smith was evoked in an attempt to curb the nationalists to yield, and not to entertain any thoughts of going to war. At that time the Smith regime was subjected to tough economic sanctions by the United Kingdom. However, they had no to little no effect as the Rhodesia of Smith was granted access to continue with its economic activities with apartheid South Africa. That had a similar stance as Rhodesia of a minority government that advocated for white supremacy. The similarity here is that Guinea and Mali are both Junta governments that have a cause and they believe in there at the same time questioning the legitimacy of ECOWAS of being home for corrupt kleptocratic persons within their ranks. Observing further the debate that is being submitted before ECOWAS by the Colonels would be that they believe that a serviceman led country does have the capabilities to prosper and perform well as compared to any civilian-led government as the stance that was taken by the Malian presidency in announcing that the presidential elections will take place in December 2025. The ideas that were submitted by Goita administration were that of stability within Mali. As it is still a volatile state as it might be pushed into all-out war since the northern parts of Mali are rocked by rebels. Therefore any form of transition of power would be detrimental to the greater Malian people. That is waiting for a stable Mali, thus the sanctions imposed upon Mali by the ECOWAS body would be of little to no effect, this is suggesting that the junta has spoken and it does not intend to go back to its decision as long as Guinea is a junta led the state as Mali the airspaces might be closed, however, the airspace of Guinea is open giving Mali the legroom for it to carry out its economic activities as usual. What the sanctions would have impacted Mali would be that the Goita administration will focus on fostering a national building project that would naturally draw the Malians to appreciate and accept the Goita administration as a legitimate body that is destined to lead Mali to its truest trajectory. The first port of call for the Goita administration would be curbing the northern Malian crisis at the same time weeding out persons that were corrupt putting to trial furthering the legitimacy of the Goita administration. Therefore in observing the ECOWAS sanctions effect one might suggest that it is a mere ruffling of feathers that does have an impact on the Malian government but the impact will not be a large scale as ECOWAS would have anticipated. 

In conclusion, it can be submitted that democracy in the Western Africa region is a hotly contested debate into defining exactly what does democracy looks like. Some would debate and say a civilian government is a democracy that is according to ECOWAS. However, on the other hand, Colonel Asimi Goita and Mamady Doumbouya understand that democracy under the eagle eye of a serviceman is democracy. As another serviceman such as Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has established the blueprint that can inspire servicemen to follow suit in delivering prosperity in the respective states that they serve. The year has just begun and I shall return and discuss further into areas of interest around the West African region. 

Wednesday 5 January 2022

The fourth industrial revolution and the academic rights of students.

 It is now three years into the pandemic, the coronavirus started in 2019 according to various. The first reported case in South Africa was that of a couple that had returned from Italy. At that time Italy "January 2020" was the epicenter of the global outbreak of the highly infectious virus. By March 2020 President Cyril Ramaphosa declared that South Africa is to be in a state of emergency, the now known "the hard lockdown" virtually resulting in Universities, High Schools, Primary schools, Pre-Schools "Creche". All none essential establishments had to be closed down. As a means of protecting the population against the virus that had been taking people's lives all over the world. Considering South Africa is a third-world country like any African country. Enforcing a state of emergency was the only logical approach to saving the people's lives. By that time there were no vaccines available, countries and major pharmaceutical companies were in the process of testing and trialing the available vaccines to ensure that at least humanity is saved against the deadly virus. The pandemic ushered in an experience that humanity has never experienced before, others assuming that societies were dwindling to madness and horror. An apocalyptic aura was hovering over humanity and further denting the global economy by a margin that would ring an amber alert of a looming global recession that would evoke the global economical meltdown that dates back to 2008 era or even to the days of the great depression of 1929. In light of the fact that the pandemic has widened the gap between the haves and the have nots. Furthering the plight of many people into the gutters of misery. A Dickensian feeling lingers in this time and space where the rights of the people have and will and shall be exploited all for the betterment of the haves. Any sense of sanity nor humanness becomes a figment of any imagination. Thus one is drifted into trying to interrogate the time that we have been thrust into by the pandemic as it further exposes the vulnerability of the have nots, who make up the majority of society. 

"The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened" John F. Kennedy. 

Covid19 ushered the globe into a void that many are virgin about it and do not understand the terms and conditions that come along with the development of human societies. As humanity is at cross paths with technology and humanity the two infantile entities do not understand each other yet are excited about each other. The lack of knowledge and understanding behind the dos and don'ts of each sphere may, has resulted in conflicts between the ajar worlds. The marketing tag by major cooperations that are determined to extract the last penny in many peoples wallets such as, "all in the comfort of your home, with just one click and it's done or save your time by just following the easy steps". The calls for action have drafted many into the psychology of accessing convenience at the comfort of their homes, or places of relaxation. Indeed the past two decades before the pandemic have been an exhausting window. Where senseless wars have taken place, miners were murdered by the state for asking an increase in their salaries after tax R12.500, students mauled, assaulted, abused, and arrested for requesting to be accorded their right to education at that same breath to be treated with at least some dignity attached in being a student. Sooner or later something would be thrown into the works just to at least give humanity and its society some time to breathe, reflect, and reboot. In this case, one would suggest that the Covid19 was the catalyst that has resulted in humanity taking a break in figuring out its status at this time. 

Observing the calls for action mentioned in the paragraph above one can observe that many of the citizens of the globe were shepherded into a space of a sedentary lifestyle. A lifestyle that they have never been before only granted by firms such as "WeWork" had predicted the future of work, the future of academics. The idea of being in a flexible shared workspace for education, cooperation, even retail had to be fashioned in the spaces that allow the needs of the time. In such a case one can appropriate and appreciate the impact of the firm. That it had predicted the future a decade before the pandemic ever set foot unto humanity "they were ahead of the curve". The need to be in a comfortable space led many people to be woven themselves to become one with technology. 

One of the intrinsic intimate uses of artificial intelligence is "A.I." has brought families together, through the incorporation of various platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft workplace, Google meets, Skype among other platforms that are available for human use. In light of the pandemic and its devastating impact on many people's lives. Many families were being ripped apart due to the human harmful impacts of the Covid19 pandemic that has impacted the basic human need of human connection. The economic needs of bridging the financial gap between the affluent members of the community and their family members had been adversely impacted negatively by the virus due to the demands of staving off poverty from the family household. Therefore to some, greater extent families were affected through the economic needs of keeping the family together at the same time meeting the demands of work. 

Paying attention to the aggressive system that had imposed many families into involuntary servitude, where human beings were morphed into zombies, virtually becoming the walking dead. In a way, the virus came at a time where there was a need to reset the polarised communication within the nucleus family members. At the same time acknowledging that during this time period of the covid19 pandemic the reports and numbers of reported cases of gender-based violence resulted in women and children being subjected to violence from their intimate partners. Looking at the other side of the pandemic which to some another extent. The virus' impact on families was positive, it allowed the population to connect and appreciate the simple things that define humanity. It might be all glitz and glamourous that the human being is reconnecting with their other side that is their social side. However, as society hastily embraces the fourth industrial revolution "A.I." a glaring reality stares into the faces of many that is what can be termed as technological apartheid. The great rift between the haves and have nots has selfishly led to many people struggling to access education. In light of the progress and processes of embracing technology "A.I." there are a string of rhetorical questions that come to the fray, food for thought process for the reader, "Does humanity understand the intrinsic, intimate impact of this new normal, is humanity prepared to embrace the positives and negatives that come along with the new normal, is humanity prepared to embrace the terms and conditions that are coming along with technology?". The rhetorical questions are meant to evoke the reader to be part and parcel of this cross-examination of understanding the long haul that humanity is yoking itself to, it can be likened to a tactical nuclear bomb that is being detonated for the first time and no one understands completely the extent of the detonation the immediate and long term impacts of technology.  There is a hypothesis that can be submitted into this essay. The hypothesis is called, AfroRealism, "a state of being that seeks to break down the position of the African with the determination of figuring out how the African may-or can maneuver, navigate, comprehend at the same time adhering, acknowledging to the past, present and future. In order to understand Artificial Intelligence's position in the world one needs to take a glance at the word "access". The word sounds simple but it carries value and weight it is a matter of perspectives that have been apprehended and comprehended as they are expected to make sense. A simple word carries void, and meaning as the life of most people in the have nots bracket is cheap. As cheap as the life of a negro slave at a slave market in New Orleans on Black Friday. The rolling out and embracing of the A.I.  in this time and space one is brought to the fray and interrogate the integration of A.I. within the educational system it is imperative to probe its efficacy, vitality, and shortcomings in our parts of the globe. If we are to measure society against the sustainable development goal under the banner of education. 

"Education is for improving the lives of others"Marian Wright Edelman

Institutions of higher learning are gradually gravitating from being institutions of education, knowledge incubation, and problem-solving. To become enterprises that have solely focused on becoming centers of profit-making and assembly points where the machine "industry" salivates for the latest efficient model on the market for the system to perform exponentially without any need of upgrading it or forking out a lot of money to inhouse improvements. Therefore schools of thought in apprehending the means of production have been migrated to become spheres of profit-making other than knowledge and problem-solving centers. This is largely affected by the ever-diminishing financial support that centers of knowledge heavily rely upon the government to provide. As a means of protecting the culture of excellence, a capitalistic approach has been implemented just assure the quality of the same services. That the gatekeepers expect centers of higher learning are expected to be granted by any other organization. The persons that then should be direct beneficiaries are not seen as students or human beings, they are seen appreciated and acknowledged as another money-making guineapig that is meant to perpetuate and maintain the hard line of classicism amongst students. Institutions becoming enterprises has resulted rather molded rather morphed institutions into becoming assembly lines. Where their income generation is through knowledge manufactured, refined, packaged, condensed, commodified, knowledge or information where it has become a crucial, lucrative industry. Top brands and companies are willing to break their piggy banks for the research articles dished by institutions of higher learning which has been produced by the student that has slaved for more than a year to produce one body of work that is then sold off to the highest bidder. The harvesting of knowledge is precious, lucrative, and vital for the capitalistic industry to thrive. Understanding the reality of "the South African reality" the country is founded and on a capitalistic foundation. The architects of the ism had to pacify and eliminate all prospects that threatened the apparatus that was established and was designed only to serve a minority at the expense of the majority that is and was fashioned to be the worker and the elites are the brains of the system. This then is witnessed and translated to the cause and reality on the ground that many of the black community stay in defunct areas where there is no proper sanitation and an absence of basic service deliveries. While the key drivers "owners of the means of production" live in lavish barbed wired estates that are maintained by the architects of this merciless system. To safeguard their gains a few shares were parted away with in order to create a bottleneck system that creates a crab in the bucket system "we fight for the bread crumbs, while they feast on loaves of bread".

The one that does not have the means of access can only just imagine how it is like to have access to the means of production. Encapsulating the gross reality of the ones who have access to funds and resources without pussyfooting are the direct descendants of the already established apartheid system, then the "clever blacks" or "black bourgeoisie" are then incorporated into the system all in all for the benefit of the main chief architects to the system that has been designed to exploit, expropriate and diminish the value of the majority. The ones that have raised, and maintained the status quo. The black bourgeoisie might or might not be conscious of the realities that the black majority is experiencing. That they are failing to gain access to the much-commodified education because of financial difficulties based on their experiences as a group through a polarised fractured history of being black in South Africa. Thus one can note that education is gradually or has been gradually become an elitist opportunity to gain access to it.

To serve the "haves" systematically excluding the "have nots", the resulting impact on students due to the issues that revolve around access. The "have nots", end up being excluded from the commercialized, glamourized, and superficialized academic institutions. Due to the fact that some or many of the highly regarded institutions of higher learning that are embedded in their DNA to serve the minority they willingly ignore the plight of students "have nots". This then exposes the student to the harsh elements of the ever exploitative social environment, where a person's being is judged and weighed against what they materially own as compared to the potential that they have. In essence, if you are a negro the system does not give a damn about what you are going through all it wants is the money and you can come to school. If you are a negro go get the money paid and then come to school. Understanding the nature of an already inherited system means the psychology of administration best favors the fairer-skinned. This reasoning is based according to the history of many institutions that are founded along racial lines the same concept that was established with colonialism and whose effects are felt to this day through many apparatus that have been designed to acknowledge the existing disparities and they are expected to fulfill the established mandate that governs systems. 

"...there is no true social revolution without the liberation of women..." Thomas Isadore Sankara

Access to education is an integral, fundamental right for any person to be able to receive a basic education even to as far as higher tertiary education. Education at least equips the person with the necessary life skills of problem-solving and being able to solve their own problems where the subject has the skills to be able to come up with improvements that solve their respective social problems. In the era of the "Black Lives Matter Movement," it can be noted that the nation of black people is victims of a vindictive, passive-aggressive system. A world where Mandela is the one that speaks on your behalf for a student to be able to pursue their desired careers. Society arrives at a juncture where there is an imbalance in wealth globally versus the imbalance in the means of access to education. Which is the inception of the A.I. system where institutions of higher learning are using the tag as a marketing strategy to attract would-be stakeholders. Players that seek to be associated by the institutions of higher learning. Holistically embracing the facts of the matter. There should be change, there must be change, however, change that does not regard the rights of the other becomes a thorn of contention to the other that has been disadvantaged by the system itself. This then results in innumerable unwanted changes to people's lives, some changes are for the good and others are for the worst. The changes come at a cost, a heavy price that results in the diminishing of the rights of the other. The adoption and incorporation of the Online education system "Hybrid learning" come with a heavy price when it comes to the rights of the haves and have nots.  

In the light of the plight that has humanity has been tucked into by the rise of the virus. It is of thought concern to note that the ineptitude of today's economic great divide, has subjugated many into the doldrums inequality. Where a supposedly basic commodity has been catapulted to become an exclusive commodity, therefore, furthering the inequality hammering the negro community into the cesspool of underdevelopment due to the historical effects of systems such apartheid, colonialism, and systemic nepotism and corruption. A majority of black students rely heavily on bursaries and support from the state. In the wake of covid19 the global economy has shrunk this then means the local economy has further shrunk by a significant margin. Forcing companies to downsize, and liquidate some of their operations in order to stay afloat. Therefore the persons that solely rely on these initiatives are left in the cold to fend for themselves if not they are forced to drop out of school midway. The system on paper of accomodating A.I. into universities on one hand it is revolutionary a testament to the resilience that humanity has over anything that would be thrown at them. On the other hand, humanity has been taken ten steps backward in the wake of the deadly virus. Where subsidies for the have nots have been cut off, performance rates have been raised astronomically. If the student does not meet the criteria is then kicked out of the system. Again the system does not seem to acknowledge to investigate the circumstances that have adversely affected the student. As many or the majority of students come from rural areas and townships. Accessing a safe conducive environment that encourages academic performance becomes an Achilles heel for many black students that have been affected by this system. To some, an extent can be interpreted as a racist system for a majority that is facing the system are black as they are at the mercy of the elements. One such example would be the load-shedding crisis that rocked South Africa in the later parts of the year, the July 2021 Free Jacob Zuma protests that largely affected townships.

The global migration into embracing the A.I. is a welcome migration globally noting. Be that as it may in the third world country biosphere that is not the case. In such parts of the world, where they have created the first world, these parts are still as of yet to do away with systemic corruption, colonial inherited historical debts, offshore accounts holders, rigged trade deals, a porous legal fraternity, and inherited poverty. The above-signaled factors have an adverse on the lives of many students in failing to return to school the following year, due to a lack of financial support. At the same time shedding into light the student themselves does not have skills that they may capitalize on during their spare time in order to at least fund their education. If they do have such talents the market space is a polarised one that has resulted in most students being exploited by industry heads. 

The fourth industrial revolution and the academic rights of many students have come at a time when the student is shunned and not given the opportunity to advocate for themselves as the system has given the gatekeepers the leverage to ignore, disband and diminish the rights of students. In some cases citing quite trivial excuses that leave one scratching their inn confusion because the excuses submitted would leave a bitter taste in the mouth. The fourth industrial revolution once again raised the concerns of the apartheid system that in some thought that it is gone. In reality, it can be felt observed, and noticed through the A.I. world. Dating back to the apartheid era there were two types of education rather a parallel education was a system it has or it was designed to create persons that control the system and the persons that work for the system "the worker bees that keep the lights on".

A rigged system, reflecting back at the impacts of the system at hand one gets to acknowledge that a typical Bantu education system was formulated to create persons that were heavily dependent on the system to survive. In order to survive the capitalistic system that was designed by the forefathers and foremothers of the haves. The have nots' generation keeps the system alive and for the sake of surviving the same culture is enforced inculcated into a diminished horizon that only aspires to achieve not very much.

 "the negro child has been conditioned to understand that it only must aspire to have a piece of paper and then have a job, buy a house, have a car, get married, and live happily ever after. It is not allowed to dream, aspire, imagine. It can imagine but not too much it is made to believe that it can only become self-made through handouts. Handouts that diminish depreciate their value. Other than being told to dream, aspire have ambition, explore experiment and become whatever you want you to have the decision to become the person you desire to become. Your inner talents can help you to achieve whatever you want."

As institutions embrace the A.I. with its numb approach to educational administration the system is programmed with the coder that does not consider the aggressive impacts that the system carries. What one is suggesting before the fray is that there is ought to be a clear communication line between the ends, "the administration and the students". Humanity is being replaced by a synthetic eco-system that is manipulated and structured in accordance with how the haves understand how the global village is revolving towards its undisclosed destination. In one's observation, A.I. stands in accordance with the foundations of the one-per-cent of people that are pursuing the accumulation of wealth. At the expense of the many as they are insignificant to the cause and purpose they are mere pawns that must deliver all to the land of milk and honey "the one-per-cent". 

The introduction of the A.I. in the twenties era of the twenty-first century can juxtapose to the same era of the Christian crusades and colonization period. The haves understands that the psychological purging of states shall result in the regression of the colonized people. The parallel suggestion may be linked to the contemporary situation that society is going through the only difference is that to some extent it is not a race situation. It is a class situation, however, acknowledging that the pool of the haves is made up of descendants who are still reaping the efforts of their ancestors. The patriarchs and matriarchs devised, structured, and orchestrated a system that best benefits them because it is a space meant for them exclusively. The global village "third world states" are mere passengers in the system. In understanding the structure of this world one is brought to understand that the system is not meant for all. It is meant for some, It can be noted that when it comes to the administering of education to the masses parts of the tertiary spaces the great divide is understood through the lens of technology and how the haves have full access to the privileges offered by technology and the have nots have to go through hell, through Hades' layer, via the belly of the Brazen only to be told they are not good enough. Technology access needs to be investigated and sustainable means and ways have to be invested to safeguard the gains at the same time reaching out to the dark corners of society to at least provide access to education for all.

"Freedom is an indispensable condition for all progress and development" Anton Lembede

Monday 3 January 2022

The white gaze and African writing.

 So, I was chatting with a friend of mine, "we pretty much lookalike and we share the same star sign Gemini". We were engaging about the entitlement trap, that we African writers tend to unsuspectedly, unwillingly fall into the trap either consciously or subconsciously. African writers fall into this trap all in a bid to appease the eyes of their intended market which is the European literary consumer, forsaking the African consumer That in turn is the person intended to engage with the body of work as African writers we ought to tackle on the issues that interacted within our respective corners of observation. Writers "African" are visual stenographers, we write what we see in order to preserve culture, and at least usher in some sort of sanity through storytelling. That is designed specifically for the people that we interact with. This then means if the literature seeps to others corners of the world its value as a body of Afro-journal is deemed and appreciated with the lens of exoticism the rare unicorn that walks on water. When in reality it is another human being that is communicating with another human being in a common tongue that all may at least understand. however, for the African, the language "English" is expressed in accordance to what and how the African appreciates the language "AfroEbonics". 

The articulation in the African way of the English language in many traditional consumers of the language is deemed out of touch or a display of an individual that does not or cannot articulate in English. When in reality in one's view it is not. However, this situation can be observed as a broken telephone phenomenon the six or nine phenomena. When the two human beings are actually witnessing something they are debating around the dynamics of the language when in reality. The language itself is a language that is being confined and conformed into the African's way of interpreting the model of language, "you can take me out of Africa but you cannot take Africa out of me". Due to colonial economic disparities, the bodies that are entrusted to preserve storytelling in one's view appreciate the traditional orthodox approach to the language when in reality due to globalization they seek to contain someone's liberty. Based on the fact that person has expressed in a manner that they do not understand, appreciate or comprehend. The adverse effects of lack of diversity within the preserved or assumed or respected global platforms intend to naturally kill the art and style of storytelling. As it is in their perspective storytelling should be articulated in the English that they deem acceptable. What this then do is that the culture of storytelling across the fibrous award ceremonies that are held in various locations and territories. Is dead, or systemically die because they emulate the European platforms of literary appreciation. 

African writers tend to unsuspectedly, unwillingly fall into the trap of expressing in a manner that the "massa" approves not them approving. We African writers fall into what can be dubbed the Eurocentric gaze of being. Where we entrap ourselves in this pseudo-savior mentality of believing, understanding, deceivingly comprehending that we have the moral duty to save our creed when in actuality you are a mere negro. 

The white gaze or seeking to entertain, begging for white attention creates a "Hunger games phenomenon" among African writers. When it's just a trap into believing that is where fulfillment lies as a writer. The white gaze I equate it to the stare of Medusa. If as a black writer incapacity if you stare intently into its eyes you turn into stone before you as a writer ever realize that the matter has happened. The negro phrenology has been conditioned to seek validation and excellence in the eyes of the Whiteman this is based on a plethora of suggestions that have been identified and these are colonialism, economic opportunities, market relevance, and mass appeal. Furthermore, we tend to witness a negro shepherded into a self-imposed rat race. In actual fact, it is just another  negro down the lane forced into becoming a parody of some sort that is dressed up like a barbie doll and made to regurgitate what it has been programmed to speak because the mass audience loves and consumes what it desires and deems acceptable to listen before its presence. 
In reality, it is nothing at all it's just another human being that is expressing their gifts before an audience. 

When I take a step back confiding with myself and the reader, at times I struggle with the train of thought of seeking white approval for the type of literature that I produce just to be able to attract the intended negro audience. The reason as to why the train of thought usually trips me in many times is that. It is difficult to attract an audience that appreciates reading that appreciates literature, that acknowledges that reading and expressing oneself is a fundamental artform for any given society. Therefore in order to keep the art or discipline alive, one is forced to be not themselves when writing which is a tragedy like no other because the real writer is not being heard. In as much as one tends to reflect at the magnitude of the task at hand even generating the white appeal in order to attract the black appeal one gets to realize I am just another negro buying its time before it leaves this realm, maybe in its lifetime or not. The work that it produces might be appreciated as a body of work that has contributed something to society and humanity.

When I gaze at what I can do I am just another negro that is trying to find its place in this world, another negro that is fighting to find happiness in this world through conjuring and honing the skills of writing. In turn, I am able to find out what I have set out to do is fulfilled, not for people's approval but finding my place and purpose in this world and time, not the other way around. 

Indeed the applause of mortal men is enticing. It is just another day in the world of negro, "once a negro, always a negro".

I suggest, propose, offer, submit, and think that what drives this rabid hunger to be admitted within the white gaze on African writing. It is the divide and conquers tactic, a practice that has been used for over a millennium and it is working well. With the constant focus on West African literature, yes indeed the region has phenomenal writers great icons of storytelling that have challenged the gods of literature to this day a swing of their pen still sends chills down their spine. On condensing the skill or art of storytelling from an egalitarian lens, the referee of the art of writing is the one that came with boats. Therefore the negro that writes in a manner that they deem worthy gets the praises and is showered with all the attention. If one is to engage with that theme one gets to note the one writer that is deemed worthy in the eyes of the "architects of the language" if not careful might be rewired to become a Judas Goat. 

A rhetorical question is then brought to the fray, "Do people understand African literature? Do people comprehend that art has a plethora of facets?"

It, therefore, creates a ripple effect across the continent where approval when in actuality the African writer in its capacity it is enough. African stories are vast and have a different approach to the language. Art is a matter of perspective. It is not for the quick wins it is for the long haul and one has to be patient "including me as well"

Afro-Manga-Anime, the African story goes on through NxHunter.

 From the art of Dali to the streets of Goya to the soul of Hiroki Nakamura to the innocence of Yukari Tamura to the flowing water style of ...