Thursday 7 July 2022

How did the Coup d'etat HAPPEN under structures?

 On the twitter-sphere, there is a user that has the handle called @LynneStactia. She has a firebrand nature of an individual that critiques the government of Zimbabwe and seeks to educate people on the political, and societal status quo of the nation. The submissions she provides are relevant to the discourse around the recovery of Zimbabwe. In terms of any sphere or platform that seeks to address the wrongs of the past in order to preserve what is left maybe from the bare bones, there might sprout a flame lily of hope. A metaphor that represents the hope for a better, brighter tomorrow "hopefully". Lynne posted an interesting question that picked my brain and I sought to attempt to answer the question the best way I can as I test my knowledge, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. This means I know something, but I know nothing. Therefore there is no be-all and end-all when it comes to understanding the broader spectrum of things that have over time defined Zimbabwe. 


What I have noted is that structures in the first instance were, and have never been in existence. In essence, I suggest we look at the sacking of C.J. A. Gubbay in 2000.  The capturing of the judiciary meant that the rights of citizens have been taken away, therefore, creating a fissure within the dynamics of the Zimbabwean society. Precedence was established, and the presence of the Zimbabwe Judiciary Commission was undermined by the late statesman, technically the statesman had all the powers vested upon him. Therefore catapulting him to a god-like status that he has the be-all and end-all powers meant that in as much as commissions would be established they would be mere placeholders within a state. As I may draw everyone's attention to the legal debate of the C.J. Malaba case, C.J. according to the new constitution if he reaches a certain age he must step down. However, that is not the case, the "rule of law", the C.J. Malaba is protected by the president. His reinstatement was and is not constitutional according to Zimbabwean Laws therefore pillars such as separation of powers in Zimbabwe are a farce and an aspiration, not a reality. Thus the following structures are then investigated by looking at their worth to the Zimbabweans. The structures are as follows, the Z.J.C. and the Minister of Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, and the parliament as an institution. Their non-reaction towards the violation of the constitution gives us an indication into the lack of structures gravely led Zimbabwe into the hands of opportunists that in turn undermine the critical role played by structures in governing the mobility of usurpers and protecting the rights of the people "electorate" at the same time. 

The sacking of Gubbay had a debilitating impact across all levels of society and governance. In essence rule of law, liberty, equality, and fraternity were compromised. In this, I suggest that they laid the perfect environment where the Coup of Nov 2017 found legitimacy in the eyes of the delusion masses. In actuality, Zimbabweans were shepherding a pack of Hyenas into the goat's kraal. Were structures ever in place when the idea of building a nation was invented? In one's view, nothing of that nature was ever considered as the nation at first was intended to be a one-party state, as it was preceded and understood by Kwame Nkrumah paying attention to the fact that Mugabe was a staunch admirer of Nkrumah. This had an impact on his decision-making in what and how he viewed and envisioned Zimbabwe. According to the mission statement of what a democracy should be in many cases, it is structured with two ajar actors. They submit their claim before the people and the people then decided who they want in office, is it the yellow party or the green party. It depends on the dynamics involved in a nation. However, in the first instance that was not in Mugabe's plan, subsequently pushing one to suggest maybe that could be the reason that led Mugabe to deploy his 5th Brigade in the 80s "I shall revisit this topic in the future as a separate feature of conversation".

Structures were in place or in existence in Zimbabwe, however, they developed designed, and structured as a blueprint of what can be dubbed the "Two-Zimbabwe-Phenomena", those that are in power including their leeches benefit from the kakistocracy, and the cleptocracy. Which allows them to run amok in the country and do as they please in the country, "corruption". Then there is Zimbabwe which is for the masses that keep an eagle eye on all civilian activities and anything that it perceives and interprets as if it is against the "Law" then the masses will see the truer nature of Zimbabwe that has structures. Thus Zimbabwe not only is a kakistocratic state and a kleptocratic state, but it also thrives on nepotism, which is structured not only on political lines. Zimbabwe is structured along ethnic tribal lines in turn manifesting an imbalance within the machine called Zimbabwe. In essence, the trident of a republic becomes null and void in practice. The establishment of posies, where they manifest themselves and assume the stewardship of the country. This means structures are there on paper, they have a final say, "monopoly" over everything. Therefore retracting back to the past and to the present, the idea of formulating structures was not on the cards. One classic example would be the accelerated land reform program. Indeed applying the revolutionary eye, the process was justified and unanimously affirmed  "third chimurenga". The redistribution was and should have taken place a long time ago. However, the chief financier of the initial plan walked away from the table as they knew it would be an embarrassment to pay colonial reparations to an African. Which they knew would spark a wave of former colonies claiming reparations. Which would upset the global systemic structure which has been formulated to benefit the west at the expense of African countries. Paying attention it was the height of the Cold War the reparations exercise would swing in favour of the USSR. Thus the British government played a wait-and-see and events fell in their favour, "Gukurahundi" giving them ample time to formulate a response that is a slap on the wrist which in turn would infuriate Mugabe and out of his revolutionary zeal. He would enact and oversee radical movements such as the ones the world witnessed, further, giving them the leg room to find validation for formulating sanctions. The point that is being delivered at this juncture is that in the whim and wake of the revolutionary stance of Mugabe and Zimbabweans the view of safeguarding the institution through well throughout structures, that will have to reform and restructure for over four decades was not established in accordance with precincts of any republic. With that gap before the powers that be, the gap allowed them to exploit the nation, and establish coreless structures. Accelerating the creation and formulation of an old republic that carries the old archaic stench of human greed, lust, envy, sloth, gluttony, wrath, pride, and vanity. Which in turn has resulted in the rights of workers that they fought for becoming null and void, in their eyes, and they are deemed as cries without basis. 

Zimbabwe has a parliament, however, the parliament does not reflect the accurate ideals of the people ever since the establishment of the country as much as there are "democratic processes" such as general elections and the establishment of an officially recognised opposition party among other internationally recognised democratic processes that any republic is expected to experience. 

The gross human rights violations, political abductions, and arbitrary tortures have resulted in the elimination, of purposeful structures. In essence, the gross violation of human rights goes unnoticed and is mentioned by organisations such as Z.H.R.C., Amnesty International Zimbabwe, etc, however, if the government of the day is not willing to assist in the project of nation-building it means or meant that the basic rights of the everyday person are trampled on by the powers that be as they do as they desire to allow any democratic process to take place as the exercise exposes the government for they have acquired political muscle that sends shivers down the spines of any would-be free thinker. In essence, the absence of any establishment or structure that serves the people becomes a farce, a satirical feature that is only to be mentioned on paper however, in practice such organs are nonexistent.  The lack of definitive structures across the board meant that if the army were and had to roll out their tanks into the middle of the streets. To the people, it meant the reestablishment of intended structures that are meant for the restoration of the basic rights of the people. In which it was a trojan horse that was afoot that meant the robbing of the basic human rights of the people. 

A government is defined by the people, and a state is defined by the people. Due to that fact that Zimbabweans in its profound understanding so far through weighing itself with its peers across the global village. It can be comprehended and appreciated the lack of urgent structures that have the sole mandate of serving the people, not "the people". Has since not been in existence when it comes to preserving the integrity of the legal fraternity, academia, and all sectors that contribute to the stability of a country. In the whim and understanding that a nation is founded on the spectrum where organs are inter-connected like roads or rivers. The same stance can be applied in accordance with the lens of governance as it plays a crucial role in defining a state. Therefore, structures, well-intended structures that are people-oriented become a top priority. One might signal again the lack of structures that are dedicated to safeguarding the interests of the people and were never corroborated or designed to protect the very best interest of the country.

The following events in Zimbabwean history might have established the precedence that led to the annihilation of structures in Zimbabwe. 

  1. 1987: National Railways Housing Scandal
  2. 1988: Willowgate Scandal
  3. 1989: Zimbabwe Republic Police Santana Scandal
  4. 1994: War veterans compensation Scandal
  5. 1995: Grain Marketing Board Grain Scandal
  6. 1996: V.I.P. Housing Scandal
  7. 1998: Boka Banking Scandal
  8. "....": ZESA YTL Soltran Scandal
  9. "....": Telecel Scandal
  10. "....": Harare City Council refuse/garbage collection tender scandal
  11. 1999: Housing loan scandal
  12. ".....": NOCZIM scandal
  13. "......": DRC, Timber, and Diamond UN reported scandal
  14. "....": Grain Marketing Board scandal
  15. "....": Ministry of Water and Rural development Chinese tender
  16. "....": V.I.P. Land Grab scandal, here the political, military, business elites of Zimbabwe when the accelerated land reform program was introduced. They used the war veterans in creating the commotion and then they exploit the gap that has been created by the violence of their foot soldiers. Since they have acquired financial muscle the elites ceased large tracks of land, and established newer and maintained old markets. Instead of giving up the prime land to the people, they kept the land and its financial returns to themselves. They would be foot soldiers, and for their efforts, they were rewarded with land however, over time they could not maintain the land because they did not have the resources "financial muscle or even the collateral that they can use to access more funds to improve their land, and farming practices". 
  17. 2001: Harare airport scandal
  18. 2008: The arbitrary violence imposed on the people during the election rerun was between April to July 2008. 
  19. 2008 to 2014: Harare Airport scandal 
  20. 2016: The Diamond company revenue scandal a.k.a. The missing 15 Billion dollars diamond revenue scandal 
  21. 2018: Zesa scandal
  22. 2019: NSSA scandal
  23. 2019: Command Agriculture scandal The Sentry Organisation: Command agriculture 
  24. 2020: Draxgate scandal Draxgate of 2020
  25. 2021: Henrietta Rushwaya 6kg gold airport scandal Zimbabwean mining boss nabbed with 6kgs of gold at the airport.
NB: This article takes you from the Willowvale Gate scandal to the recent Covid19 scandal:

NB: According to various accounts, a total of 76 Billion USD dollars and above cumulatively has been lost thus far, note these are the scandals that have been dug out and brought to the attention. The question that then beckons how many of them have gone unnoticed and have not seen the light of day?

The attempt in this conversation is not to prove or to paint one as a saint but it is intended to raise the awareness of the fact of the matter that has been brought into the fray by the topic question which is, How did the Coup d'etat HAPPEN under structures?

In detailing the chain of scandals that have come to light, seeks to substantiate the following submission. 1). Structures that protect the interests of the people were not empowered and were not granted the full independence that they should undertake in an ideal state. 2). The infiltration and the pollution of the Zimbabwean Justice System through the capturing of the head of the justice fraternity, established precedence that led to the acceleration of the deplorable state of Zimbabwe. Resulting in the extinction of the local currency "Zimbabwean dollar". In the best interest of the essay, it should be understood according to the following hypothesis. That Zimbabwe is a victim of internal and external factors that are in a constant ideological battle. This means the already established colonial order which favours the British interests or Western Interests versus the DeColonial/Pan-African conversation into addressing the wrongs of the past through a total aggressive deletion of any remnants that carry the DNA of the old dogs. However, unbeknownst to the demon that freedom fighters that traded their army fatigues for the suits stayed too long, and lived to witness themselves becoming villains of their former selves. This means instead of carrying further with the conversation the injection of newer fresher minds into the discourse has resulted in a subpar environment that has introduced a ruffian-like administration that does not pay attention to the precincts of democracy and rule of law. This led to the exploitation of the organs of state that depend heavily on the establishment of a people emancipated governance that abides by structures that maintain, improve, and constantly reconstruct the nation. In the eyes of the people not in the eyes of "the people". Thus the lack of succinct structures that pertain, to and maintain the ideals of democracy, "liberty, equality, and fraternity", allowed the ideas of the coup d'etat to be welcomed by the people from 14 to 21 November 2017. 
As of November 2017, the constitution of Zimbabwe was suspended until the ideal conditions do favour the junta government and its proxies. They have debilitating parasitic characteristics that have no intention of fostering and furthering the interests of the masses, that access to education, mother and child healthcare, basic healthcare, and the pursuit of happiness among other human interests. Be that as it may the same grit, unity, and self-sacrifice that was shown by the people of France on 05 May 1789, from the Women's March to the storming of Bastille to the rise of Napoleon and fall of Napoleon. The French people were inspired by the tenets of "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity" as the guiding north star for the French people. In the interests of being a human being governed by "self-actualisation and the pursuit of happiness" if possible be the guiding principles of all Zimbabweans that aspire to achieve democracy. It is imperative to understand the coup d'etat, was bound to happen, the coup d'etat was meant to happen, because of the lack of structures within Zimbabwe since the emancipation and the birthing of Zimbabwe and to be welcomed among the league of nations. 

The lack of structures within Zimbabwe not only established the precedence that Zimbabwe was supposed to follow it further meant that, arbitrary abductions, unfathomable arrests, and the clamping down of free thinkers. Such occurrences as the abduction of Itai Dzamara Amnesty International: Itai Dzamara, five years on. 

The lack of structures in Zimbabwe has not only come at a laborious cost, but it has also brought with itself impunity. The gross violation of human rights has not only handicapped the judicial process, in one observation it has hindered hr of women in Zimbabwe. The basic women's rights have been devalued to the extent that the state arrests the council "legal" of the Ali family in the name of its interpretation of the law. Moreblessing Ali was mutilated and dumped at a well Nyatsime, Chitungwiza Moreblessing Ali story. Furthermore, according to the ZRP legal council Sikhala is being charged with inciting violence at Miss Ali's funeral. It can be understood, that with the DNA of Zimbabwe. Politically motivated killings and the judicial processes become a source of contestation. This means that the law is used to settle political scores or to derail the judicial process of many to most Zimbabweans in such cases the arresting of council Sikhala Job Sikhala was arrested

The lack of structures in Zimbabwe can be traced back to 1982 from that time to this date established the right conditions for a coup d'etat. The socio-political discourse of Zimbabwe through grooming and reminding the nation that Zimbabwe is still at war. Military fatigue is the one that brings freedom, allowing the army to calculate and initiate the coup of 2017. Which was welcome by the people with open arms. In essence through grooming and indoctrination instead of the people focusing on asking or forcing for independent bodies "structures". When events such as a coup took place it was welcome, virtually inhibiting the hands of Justitia. 

The lack of structures in Zimbabwe has created a societal collapse, and economical impasse, and a bleak future across the whole board. The long march to freedom is still in its infancy it has been stagnant since 1979. It is up to the people to find themselves in the wilderness of nothingness and demand what is due to the "40 acres and a mule". The point of departure when it comes to the reestablishment of structures would be constitutionalism. Educating the people of Zimbabwe on how to apply the constitution and how to interpret the constitution. Informed people are people that are able to find solutions within themselves. The onus is on the people to decide where they want to go as a nation, one cannot hold nor may harass anyone to follow a cause. The onus of freedom lies or rests in the willingness of the people to find their own truth when it comes to freedom and ceasing the desired future. 

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