Friday 20 December 2019

Zimbabwe does not belong to war veterans only.

Zimbabwe does not belong to war veterans only.

A sovereign state attained her right to self-determination and self-rule on 18 April 1980. A momentous evening where the aspirations of the black majority were to be realised and experienced. Thus ushering Zimbabwe to be part of the growing sisterhood of independent states; across Africa meaning that it was the final blow rather it meant that time is up for the then Racist, inhumane and Evil Apartheid Government of South Africa. This blog is meant to raise critical questions rather an aura of critical engagement with the thorn on the side of many Zimbabweans, that Zimbabwe does not belong to "war veterans" only.
Zimbabwe belongs to everyone and everybody meaning that the decisions that affect the country are to be embraced by everyone not only a single pod of people deciding the fate of a country, through stringent cancerous ideas that will rather that have put the future of the Zimbabwean youth participation not only the youth however everyone who has the right to air their voice in limbo and uncertainty.
Before this blog engages with the main discussion this blog shall take a historical detour. A detour that shall in a way bring to the surface the basis of this blog.

A mini historical background to the main anchor of this blog. It is etched in the minds of many Zimbabweans and the rest of the world. On the 17th of November 1997 "Black Friday" the war veterans of Zimbabwe demanded their compensation to be paid for their exploits during the war of liberation struggle with their sole mission of toppling the minority government replacing the government with a majority government. It is important to note that they were to be $50,000ZW by that time each veteran was to be given $3,000USD. Indeed they were and should have been given their grants as promised.

Little did they know that in their journey to pursue financial satisfaction, which was a short term gain for a long term problem (emphasis added ). Their actions laid the final blow to the cascading domino effect that has made Zimbabwe spiral out of control to the extent it has become the Bermuda Triangle of SADC and the African Union. In the pursuit of financial satisfaction bearing in mind, they (war veterans) were promised to be granted their financial satisfaction of which undoubtedly played a key role in bringing independence to Zimbabwe. Be that as it may, the keynote that has to be understood without flattering the wings of the rooster is that, where was the money going to come from, who shall pay back the gap that was left open in dispersing the money? The obvious answer was that the taxpayer of 1997 had to cover that gap. Basically what the war veterans did sentenced future generations to flee the country and become economic refugees to other countries. With no shadow of a doubt, their ultra vires have crippled and burdened fellow SADC states and the rest of Africa.  Thence exploring the above-highlighted fact or narration one is boggled by the greediness of their actions, or one might state their short term vision. In the sense that they war veterans did not pay attention to the fact that the ones who had promised them that were going to paid money were corrupt greedy, selfish and cruel persons who threw away the key rather fundamental conscious and moral compass that reminded them that they are fighting for the emancipation and liberation of the black majority. Being blunt and frank such a name that shall surface is the late Robert Mugabe. Yes, indeed he is a Pan-African; his ideas I do appreciate and respect however, his selfishness drove these sensitive persons to act using their stomachs not their brains.

Corruption analysing started in the bushes of 1960 coming onwards to the turn of the Millenium. A point of debate that can be launched would be if the Mugabe administration was sincere in paying the war veterans their money they should and would have sat down and conjured a proper plan that best benefits the war veterans and the citizenry? Thence observing from a birds-eye view it is clear and evident that they did not pay attention to that key aspect. His government was only concerned about maintaining a brand of politics that... that best suits them not the rest of the country them. Hence this essay reverts back to 1997 Black Friday. Furthermore, echoing the title of the essay, "Zimbabwe does not belong to war veterans". Zimbabwe belongs to everyone who is proud to carry the name Zimbabwean and believes that they can contribute to the betterment of the country and the region of SADC and Africa and beyond ( emphasis added)

Their elitist treatment created a chimaera of the madness of elitist mentality that they (war veterans) are the custodians of Zimbabwe until kingdom come. Which in turn is and was a hoax. Trickling down from 1997 to 1998, 1999, 2000,2001,2002 and beyond; came along with the "Fast-tracked land reform program"  that was titled the 3rd Chimurenga hence, in summary, led to the loss of lives on both sides of the racial spectrum, however, birthing a freak of nature of madness that can be dubbed the spawn of the devil where lady death and the devil have sex what comes out of there is inexplicable and cannot be explained.  The above imagery best serves to explain the culmination of the problems the world is witnessing today and right now. Where there are cash shortages, medicinal shortages, basic commodity shortages it is just a plethora of shortages that have eclipsed and grappled the country called Zimbabwe by the throat. 

(A side note) the Zimbabwean was and should have been given her land as promised in the Lancaster House Agreements of 1979( a blog exploring the effects of the Lancaster House Agreements that were not fulfilled shall come soon... )Be that as it may, those promises were not fulfilled by the British Government who had promised that they shall pay for the land give the land to the government of Zimbabwe and a proper land reform program was then going to be conducted in a free and fair manner where the rights of property ownership are not infringed though infringed in a diplomatic manner.

(Coming back to the core of the essay) The war veterans war has given false hope in this blogs argument of believing that they are demigods, the untouchables of society, the higher echelon of society sadly they were mere pawns who were used to consolidate the wealth of Zimbabwe into the hands of a minority. Where they were given land yes they were given land, where they have given the necessary skills to work on the land, they were not thus affecting the country. Placing dozens no millions of Zimbabweans at risk of starvation hunger and suffering because they tampered with the nerve, no blood vessel that led to the lifeline of Zimbabwe's existence. Thence imbibed with mob-psychology of being the gatekeepers of a country led the war veterans to become the deciders of Zimbabwe's fate. Thence triggering the authoring of this Blog.

It can be observed from 2004,05,06,07,08,09 the war veterans were the untouchables, at the same time were the machination and vehicle of human rights abuses across the country called Zimbabwe. Understanding that a group of elites who believed that they are the gatekeepers to a country one is drawn to dispute and again submit an assertion that "Zimbabwe does not belong to war veterans only"

Critically noting one can submit and assess and note their actions were not needed, their so-called war of independence was not welcome. They were used to consolidate power among the political elite who have had and have become oligarchs of a nation. Where they get treatment in China, they import Lamborghini Urus, Bugatti Cheron's while the greater populations suffer at the mercy of an elite class who mimics the same white racist government of Ian Douglas Smith. Thence noting again "Zimbabwe does not belong to war veterans only" 

It is unfortunate that a noble cause resulted in a mere joke a pathetic effort gone down the drain like bottle champagne being pumped down the drain by Bellamine Chatunga Mugabe. Basically, Zimbabwe belongs to everyone who believes that Zimbabwe is a nation that has the potential to move forward and be progressive (emphasis added) The creation of the elite class of war veterans not only blighted Zimbabweans. It blighted the SADC region, it blighted Africa. The War veterans actions have made them a joke to a society where they themselves are crying to be respected by young people but they are the ones who failed to respect the young people through their greedy actions, it has become a millennial boomer rift. 

One of the notable features rather results of the above title is that the youth have bend over to come pedagogies of the political elite. Who stands in front of the people and utter nonsense words that are baseless. The effects of such an angle are that the "political elite who used the war veterans to consolidate power"  their toxic, corrosive tentacles have reached the untouched wombs of young minds. Though there is home for a brighter safe Zimbabwe, there is hope.

Everything can be said and done, the final parting note would be that God bless Zimbabwe and all those who believe in her. 

Afro-Manga-Anime, the African story goes on through NxHunter.

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